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December 2020 Announcements

Holladay Hall

Administrator Search Updates:

  • An open search for the senior vice provost for Enrollment Management and Services is now underway. The nomination committee is chaired by Senior Vice Provost for Academic Strategy and Resource Management and Provost’s Office Chief of Staff Duane Larick. Stay up to date on the search by visiting the search page on the Provost’s Office website or 
  • An open search for the dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences is underway. The nomination committee is chaired by Dean Mark Hoversten of the College of Design. Stay up to date on the search by visiting the search page on the Provost’s Office website or

COVID-19 Updates:

  • In preparation for the spring semester, NC State is working to provide faculty, staff and students with the resources they need for a safe start to 2021. We’ve pulled together some helpful information recapping items shared earlier with the campus community.
  • The spring 2021 semester will begin Jan. 19 and classes will conclude April 30. Starting the semester one week later will give more time to implement a robust COVID-19 testing strategy for returning students. There will be four wellness days spread throughout the semester. These days are meant to provide a respite for the NC State community, and faculty will be instructed to avoid any deadlines or tests on days following these breaks. Exams will take place May 3-10 with a Reading Day and two weekend days set aside for breaks. Spring commencement is scheduled for May 15.
  • NC State Dining is planning to re-open several locations for the spring semester and has made some modifications to its plans to better serve students. Learn more about these changes here. 


  • NC State Open Textbook Grants are available through the OpenStax Institutional Partnership Program to faculty members interested in adopting free, peer-reviewed textbooks in an effort to create equitable learning environments. Apply by Dec. 10.
  • DELTA Testing Services will be operating at limited capacity for spring 2021. If possible, use alternative assessments to assess your students in an unmonitored setting. If monitored exams are required, visit DELTA Teaching Resources to learn more about online options. If in-person proctoring is essential, university-wide protocols have been developed. To be considered for proctoring at the DELTA Testing Center, please submit the request form by Wednesday, Jan.13, 2021. 
  • Add the Student Services block to your Moodle course so students can quickly access information about registration, class schedules, tuition and financial aid information.

From the NC State University Libraries:

  • The 2020 NC State University Libraries Faculty Award has been given to Carlos Goller, associate teaching professor in the Biological Sciences department. The Libraries Faculty Award is given to an NC State faculty member who has contributed consistently and notably to the accomplishment of the Libraries’ mission, vision, and strategic initiatives. The award, established in commemoration of the Libraries’ centennial year in 1989, enables the Libraries to recognize faculty contributions.

From the Office of Faculty Development:

  • Proposals are now being accepted for the 2021 Teaching and Learning Symposium, which will take place virtually Friday, February 26, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. This year’s theme is Celebrating Faculty Success and Resilience. The deadline for proposal and poster submissions is December 16. Questions may be directed to
  • The Office of Faculty Development’s annual Teaching and Learning Symposium will be held on Friday, February 26, 2021, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Zoom. Register now to attend! During this virtual event, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in roundtable discussions led by NC State faculty, watch a keynote lecture, and meet and talk with NC State peers who are interested in teaching and learning. The Teaching and Learning Symposium is free of charge, and you will receive instructions for joining the Zoom event via email after completing your registration. Proposals are being accepted for virtual roundtable discussion and posters until 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 — please see the full call for proposals for details. Our 2021 keynote lecture, Increase Faculty Success by Increasing Student Resilience: Metacognition is the Key!, will be delivered by Dr. Saundra Yancy McGuire.
  • Applications for the Spring 2021 online cohorts of the Core Teaching Certification |CTC| and the Inclusive Teaching Certification |ITC| are due December 15. For more information about the CTC, please visit To apply for the CTC, visit For more information about the ITC, please visit To apply to the ITC, fill out the application form.
  • Student Mental Health Resources for Faculty: A Guide for Helping Students in Distress is now available. The disruption and uncertainty caused by the pandemic is affecting students’ mental health. As a faculty member, you are often on the front lines for identifying students who may be struggling or whose behavior raises concern about their well-being. You can make a difference in the life of a student by connecting them to support services early, while recognizing your limits and protecting your time and energy. If you’re not sure where to begin or fear that you’ll be “out of your wheelhouse,” here are some suggestions to help guide you in efforts to help students.

From the Office of Global Engagement:

  • Kory M. Saunders, Study Abroad Office’s Assistant Director for Strategic Marketing, Diversity & Inclusion, is the 2020 recipient of the NAFSA Region VII inaugural Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in International Education Award. NAFSA:  Association of International Educators is the world’s largest nonprofit dedicated to international education and exchange. NASFA aims to foster global understanding among people of diverse backgrounds by helping individuals develop a global mindset. The NAFSA Region VII inaugural Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in International Education Award recognizes excellence in international education.
  • Youth Advocate for the Philippines and Global Leadership certification program participant, Luis Magdamit, is using his leadership skills to raise money for his local Filipino community which has been impacted by Super Typhoon Rolly and Typhoon Ulysses. Learn more about this participant in the Global Leadership certificate program.
  • NC State wins big at 2020 NAFSA Region VII annual conference! In addition to Kory M. Saunders winning the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in International Education Award, two NC State graduate students also competed in and won the NAFSA Case Study Competition. Mariah Henderson and Samantha Sillaman are currently pursuing their Master’s in Higher Education Administration from the College of Education and plan to graduate in May 2021. Both were first-time competitors.

From Staff Senate:

  • The NC State Staff Senate is partnering with the NC State University Police Department and the Feed the Pack Food Pantry to sponsor donation drives benefiting Feed the Pack, Toys for Tots, and the Staff Senate’s annual Winter Coat and Clothing Drive. Donations can be brought to a drop box location at the University Police Department, located at 2610 Wolf Village Way, Raleigh, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Accepting donations through December 11, 2020.

Additional Announcements: 

  • As part of NC State’s conflict resolution services, the faculty and staff ombuds office can help you navigate your situation. The office is a confidential, independent, informal and impartial resource. The ombuds will listen and help you develop options, identify resources, and coach you through conflicts. Not sure where to turn – Go Ombuds. Contact the Ombuds Office at, or 919-935-0922.
  • Nominations for the 2021 Equity for Women Awards will close on January 22, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. We encourage you to consider nominating a faculty, staff or student who has been committed to the advocacy of gender equity in everyday life at NC State. Please nominate worthy candidates by completing the 2021 Equity for Women Award Nomination Form.