From Provost Arden: Requirement for Remote Instruction
TO: All NC State Instructors of Record, Spring 2020
FROM: Warwick Arden, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
SUBJECT: Requirement for Remote Instruction
DATE: March 17, 2020
As you recall, yesterday I sent a memo to all NC State Instructors of Record asking you to contact your students to begin sharing information they need for when classes resume. At that time, I indicated that colleges could approve exceptions to allow courses to continue face-to-face in limited circumstances.
Based on the most recent guidance from Interim President Roper and the University of North Carolina System Office, Chancellor Woodson has announced that students will have only limited access to campus and that all courses will move fully online. Exceptions for face-to-face instruction will no longer be allowed; all instruction will be remote.
I and other institutional leaders are actively working to evaluate the range of flexibility we have around grading and other related academic policies. Please expect other communications from me in the coming days as we develop clear guidance for you on those issues. Thank you for the tenacity, innovation, compassion and calm that each of you is bringing to these unprecedented and fluid circumstances.
Continue to access the resources developed by my office, together with the Office of Faculty Development, DELTA and NC State University Libraries, to help with your course continuity plans. These include:
- Online resources: Keep Teaching is NC State’s online resource to help you develop continuity plans and use university-supported tools to maintain courses during a disruption. This site includes a basic template with several questions to consider as you develop your plans, as well as example plans from several NC State instructors.
- Workshops: Online workshops, designed for instructors who want guidance in constructing and implementing academic continuity plans for their courses, are being offered throughout the month of March. Workshop information is available at by searching for “continuity.”
- Hardware: NC State is purchasing additional peripherals, such as web and document cameras, and a limited number of additional laptop computers for instructors’ use during this time. NC State Libraries will serve as a check-out point if you need equipment that your department does not already have available.
- Local consultation: Your department head, unit leader, and dean’s office are always important resources for local information.
Please continue to visit for updates and guidance.
Thank you again for all of your efforts.
Link to PDF version of memo.