May 2018 Announcements
- Spring 2018 Commencement will be held on Saturday, May 12, at 9 a.m. at PNC Arena. Preceding the ceremony, a concert by The Amalgam Brass Ensemble will take place at 8:30 a.m. Departmental graduations will be held in various locations in and around campus on May 10-12. Marian Wright Edelman, founder and president of the Children’s Defense Fund, will present the commencement address, and Temple Grandin, renowned animal science professor and autism activist, will receive an honorary doctorate.
- An open search for the Vice Provost and Director of Libraries is now underway. The nomination committee is chaired by Mike Mullen, vice chancellor and dean, Division of Academic and Student Affairs, and has twelve faculty and staff from the the NCSU Libraries, colleges and academic support units. The committee will be meeting over the summer and hopes to bring finalist candidates to campus in the fall. Stay up to date with the search by visiting the Provost’s Office website.
- Change in leadership at the NC State European Center in Prague: Peter Kjaer is stepping down from his role as Director as of May 11. Effective May 16, Heidi Hobbs will oversee the day-to-day operations of NC State Prague while conducting a review of existing programs, and on or about July 1 she will begin serving as Interim Director. Hobbs currently serves at the director of the Master of International Studies program in the School of Public and International Affairs within the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. A search for the permanent director will be launched this summer.
- NC State is introducing a new design for its campus ID card. The new card will be issued to all new students and newly hired staff as well as those seeking replacements for lost cards beginning in June 2018. Existing campus cards, which feature the NC State Belltower, will remain functional. The university will not be replacing cards for those who already have an ID card. The Wolfpack One Card Office has temporarily relocated to the lower level of Wolfpack Outfitters while its permanent space on the main level undergoes a renovation to convert a portion of the space into an on-campus service center for PNC Bank. It is expected to re-open in early June.
- We’re looking for faculty volunteers to test a new a faculty-specific website that the university is developing, to be called Faculty Central. The website brings resources together that are currently distributed across many websites and may be hard to find. The new site does not replicate or duplicate the content on other sites but is a place where links are gathered, organized and categorized for ease of use. Please contact if you’re interested in participating.
- NC State is calling on graduate students, postdocs, faculty and staff to take part in Envisioning Research, the university’s annual research image contest. Help highlight the beauty and importance of the work being done at the bench and in the field, both on campus and around the world. Submissions are due no later than June 8, 2018. Contestants can submit images in four categories: photography (including photos of field work), microscopy, graphics and illustration, and video and interactive. All images should be original, well-executed, and effective at communicating information to the audience. Visit the contest page for more details.
- From Distance Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA)
Do you have expertise in teaching with instructional technologies that you would like to share with other NC State faculty and staff? The 2018 DELTA Summer Shorts Proposals are open now through May 31. Learn more about the 2018 Summer Shorts Program and how to submit proposals for facilitating conference sessions. Registration for the August 13-17 program, themed Take the Wheel: Driving Student Success, begins July 5.
Faculty who wish to request a summer or fall semester WolfWare space may do so now. To request a space, log into WolfWare and select the “Future” tab. Then select the “Add Tools and Manage Your Course Settings” gear icon located to the right of the course. View full instructions.
- From the Office of Faculty Development
Applications are open for the Campus Compact 2018-2019 Engaged Faculty Scholars Cohort. The Engaged Faculty Scholars program is a a unique one-year opportunity for faculty interested in public scholarship, engagement and service-learning. Each Scholar is expected to work toward these two goals.
• Promote and deepen the scholarship of engagement at scholar’s own institution
• Assist in building the infrastructure for faculty engagement on another NC Campus Compact member institution
Each Scholar will receive the following compensation after successful completion of the program:
• Financial stipend of $1500
• Up to $500 travel reimbursement for visiting the partner institution
• Up to $500 for professional development (e.g. conference or training attendance support)
• At least one free civic engagement publication
Please visit here to learn more and apply. The application deadline is May 18th.
The next Faculty Writing Mini-Retreat will be held on Monday, May 21, at the Faculty Research Commons in Hunt Library. Sign up now to join faculty colleagues for a morning (8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.), afternoon (12:30-5 p.m.), or all-day Writing Mini-Retreat in these private and comfortable spaces where you can find uninterrupted time to write your article, grant proposal, book chapter, or dossier materials. Coffee will be provided in the morning and afternoon. Brief 15-minute check-ins for accountability and support will be offered. Please sign up if interested at Contact Doug James at or 919.515.7281 with any questions.