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Ravi Kulkarni

Assistant Professor, Population Health and Pathobiology


College of Veterinary Medicine


Dr. Ravi Kulkarni joined the College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University in January 2019 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Population Health and Pathobiology. Dr. Kulkarni obtained his BVSc (eqv. DVM) from Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, India, and Masters in Parasitology and Immunology from Indian Veterinary Research Institute. Subsequent to working in the pharmaceutical industry (Drug Discovery, Torrent Research Center) for a few years in India, he joined University of Guelph, Ontario Veterinary College, Canada, to pursue his PhD in the area of vaccines against infectious diseases. Following his PhD, he did his post-doctoral training in avian immunology at Guelph, Canada as well as at the Emory University Vaccine Center, Atlanta, Georgia. Prior to joining NCSU, he worked as an Adjunct professor and Associate graduate faculty at the University of Guelph for three years. His research and teaching focus is in studying immunology of infectious diseases and vaccine development. Specifically, his laboratory works on developing novel disease control strategies in poultry against Clostridial pathogens, which are also possess zoonotic potential and of global one health importance.