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Pranav Pandit

Researcher, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis



Dr. Pranav Pandit is a veterinary epidemiologist with a research interest in the ecology of emerging infectious diseases. Dr. Pandit’s expertise involves developing climate-based models to forecast risks of emerging zoonotic diseases like arenaviruses and arboviruses. Dr. Pandit also lead development of surveillance platform for early detection of wildlife outbreaks across the US. Dr. Pandit’s research examines environmental drivers of zoonotic pathogen distribution and transmission to optimize mitigation strategies. Through collaborations with livestock veterinarians, Dr. Pandit develops predictive tools for producers to better manage endemic livestock diseases. As part of an NIH global emerging virus research network, he is advocating data stewardship for studying wildlife spillover events with an aim to build resilient food and agriculture systems through technological innovations that safeguard ecological and public health.