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Paola Sztajn

Dean, College of Education



Dr. Paola Sztajn is the dean of the College of Education at North Carolina State University. Previously, she served as Interim Associate Vice Provost for Academic Personnel and Policies and was a special assistant for faculty research and development with the Office of the Provost and the university’s Office of Research and Innovation. She’s also served as associate dean for research and innovation in the College of Education, head of the Department of Teacher Education and Learning Sciences, and faculty senator. Paola is a professor of mathematics education and, her research program focuses on elementary teachers’ professional development in mathematics. Her over 90 published papers have appeared in journals such as American Educational Research Journal, Educational Researcher, Journal of Teacher Education, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, Teaching and Teacher Education, and Teaching Children Mathematics. She authored chapters for different handbooks in mathematics education, an edited book with Teachers College Press and an authored book for practitioners with Corwin Press. Paola has had continuous research funding for over 20 years and has been the Principal Investigator on projects totaling over $30M. She was a program officer at National Science Foundation for two terms, member of the editorial board for the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, chair for the Special Interest Group-Research in Mathematics Education from the American Educational Research Association, and Vice President for Advocacy, Equity and Research for the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.