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Luke Gatiboni

Associate Professor, Crop and Soil Sciences


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Dr. Luke Gatiboni has a BS in Agronomy, MS in Agronomy, and PhD in Soil Science by the Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil. Luke was a professor of Soil Fertility at Santa Catarina State University, Brazil for 15 years, conducting applied research in Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition. Luke joined North Carolina State University in 2019. He is an Associate Professor and Extension Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management Specialist conducting research to update the recommendations of fertilizers for North Carolina crops. Luke’s research and extension activities aims to use best management practices for efficient use of fertilizers, protecting farm’s profit and avoiding environmental pollution. Luke also works to find solution to remediate the effects of saltwater intrusion in farms of Eastern North Carolina. Luke published 150+ research papers, 80+ extension publications, 90+ extension presentations/training, and chaired 35 MS and PhD students. Luke maintains international collaborations with Brazilian Universities and Institutes, is a volunteer of USAID in activities in Uzbekistan, and he is vice-chair of soil fertility and plant nutrition division in the International Union of Soil Sciences.