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Fernanda Santos

Teaching Assistant Professor, Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Dr. Santos is a veterinarian and animal & poultry scientist whose focus is food safety, public health, and education. She has conducted research on zoonotic diseases and is passionate about disease prevention, especially foodborne diseases. Currently, at NC State, her focus is on finding solutions for the food industry in topics related to food safety, food product development, and food packaging, in addition to developing new food science courses. She is responsible for the graduate food safety minor and teaching several courses in the food science program. Dr. Santos has created “The Discover Series,” which contains a series of food science-related courses that are taught not only to food science and nutrition students but also to any undergraduate student who seeks to understand the science behind foods and controversial topics of food and nutrition. Finally, she is passionate about education and has approved two education-related grants, the first under the HEC-NIFA-USDA program to create new curriculum in food product development, and the second under the 100,000 Strong for the Americas Innovation Fund, which is managed by the Partners of the Americas and the US Department of State to train students in the US and Brazil in food safety practices.