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Arnoud H.M. van Vliet

Senior Lecturer, University of Surrey, School of Veterinary Medicine, UK



Dr Arnoud van Vliet is a Senior Lecturer in Microbiology at the School of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Surrey, Guildford, UK. He has worked on infectious diseases since 1990, working on tick-borne diseases prominent in Sub-Saharan Africa for his PhD, followed by work on foodborne and other bacterial pathogens. His current research interests focus on the analysis of large genomic datasets via application of genomics and bioinformatics techniques, to investigate zoonotic infections, AMR and biology, virulence and evolution of bacterial pathogens, ranging from foodborne infections such as Campylobacter, Salmonella, E. coli and Listeria to human pathogens like Mycobacterium, and intestinal roundworms such as Ascaris spp. He also organises bioinformatics/genomics training courses. His work fits well with the GOHA themes of One Health, food safety, antimicrobial resistance and work on pathogens causing problems worldwide.