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Climate Change and Health Disparities

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Deanna Dannels

Dean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Colleen Doherty

Associate Professor, Biochemistry

Joseph L. Donaldson

Associate Professor, Agricultural and Human Sciences

David Eggleston

Professor & Director, Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Basheerah Enahora

Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist, Agricultural and Human Sciences

Ayse Ercumen

Assistant Professor, Forestry and Environmental Resources

Harrison Fell

Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics

Peter R. Ferket

William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor, Prestage Poultry Science

Steve Frank

Professor and Associate Department Head, Entomology and Plant Pathology

Bob Franks

Professor & Department Head, Plant and Microbial Biology

Shobhan Gaddameedhi

Associate Professor, Biological Sciences