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William Pan

Professor, Duke University



William Pan is the Elizabeth Brooks Reid and Whitelaw Reid Professor of Population Studies and Global Environmental Health at Duke University with joint appointments in the Nicholas School of Environment and Global Health Institute. He leads research to develop and implement early warning systems for infectious diseases in Latin America as well as a research with a sustainable development agenda related to resource extraction (mining, logging, oil/gas), chemical exposures, and human livelihoods. He served on the Technical Committee for TRIPARTITE to develop training guidelines for standardized One Health field competencies, co-organized the 2023 Global Climate Summit that led to the establishment of Climate and Health Day at COP28, and is one of the Institutional Coordinators for the One Health training course offered by UNC, Duke and NCSU. He received his doctorate in Biostatistics from UNC-Chapel Hill and served on the faculty at Johns Hopkins University before returning the Triangle in 2011.