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Luciano Michaël Tantely

Research Officer, Institut Pasteur de Madagascar



Dr. Luciano Michaël Tantely, known as Luciano, is a Research officer in medical entomology at the Institut Pasteur de Madagascar (IPM). He received a PhD degree in medical and veterinary entomology in 2013 from the University of Antananarivo, Madagascar. Prior to join the Medical Entomology Unit at IPM to undertake his PhD thesis research, Luciano was accepted in 2008 into the International Master of Entomology program during which he completed his Master degree with joint supervision from the Abomey-Calavi University (Bénin) and the Montpellier 2 University (France). Currently as a Research officer at IPM, he leads the research group “Mosquitoes, malaria and arboviroses” within the Medical Entomology Unit. Many of Luciano’s research projects focus on understanding 1) the taxonomy and the roles of mosquitoes, as potentials vectors of infectious diseases and 2) the role of environment and climatic factors in modulating the distribution and the biology of theses vectors in Madagascar. He is also involved in phlebotomine sandflies, Culicoïdes and bed bugs projects. Luciano has received different fundings for his research. He was awarded in 2018 a research International Training fellowship from the Wellcome Trust foundation. He is also involved as Co-PI in a NIH-funded research project on mosquito’s evolution. Luciano is part of the Doctoral School team of the Life and Environmental Science of the Antananarivo University and is a member of the Malagasy Academy-Science Section and the African Academy of Sciences. He has published over 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters. He serves as a reviewer for several international journals specializing in medical entomology. He had also the opportunity to read and evaluate some grant proposals.