Heather Harbottle
Dr. Harbottle is a Senior Regulatory Microbiologist in FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine, in the Office of New Animal Drug Evaluation. Dr. Harbottle is a subject matter expert in molecular genetics of antimicrobial resistance, qualitative risk assessment of new animal antibacterials for the potential for development of antimicrobial resistance, impacts of antibacterial residues on the human intestinal microbiome, and is the co-chair of CVM’s One Health Science and Discovery Committee. As a member of the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System’s Leadership, Dr. Harbottle has been involved in evaluating the interplay of antimicrobial resistance development in food animal production, in food animals, and human infections. Additionally, Dr. Harbottle contributes to international working groups such as TATFAR, VICH and JECFA.