Cheryl Stroud
Cheryl Stroud is a veterinarian with a PhD in endocrine physiology and a passion for conveying the urgency of implementing One Health thinking and acting. She has enjoyed professional experiences in Industry, Academic Research and Teaching, Private Veterinary Practice and as a One Health practitioner.
Since 2013 Cheryl has served as Executive Director of the One Health Commission, a 501c3 non-profit organization chartered in Washington, D.C. and headquartered in central North Carolina. Among its many ‘volunteer led’ initiatives, in 2016 the Commission spearheaded creation of an annual global One Health Day that, for 8 years now, is officially celebrated around the world on November 3. The Commission also leads a global One Health Awareness Month campaign each January, providing One Health resources for advocates to use in social media outreach and when teaching about One Health.
Through speaking engagements, strategic networks and partnerships, Cheryl advocates worldwide for education, cradle to grave, about the full scope of and critical need for One Health at all levels of academia, research, clinical practice, government and policy. She refers to One Health as our “Ray of Hope for the Future.”