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Jennifer Zambriski

Veterinary Epidemiologist, Veterinarians for Global Solutions



Dr. Jenni Zambriski is a One Health practitioner, researcher, and executive with 15+ years of experience at the interface of human, animal, and ecosystem health. Specializing in Global Health Security and infectious disease, she has lived and worked in over 15 LMIC’s on 4 continents. Dr. Zambriski’s is a former faculty member at Washington State University and Virginia Tech, where her research in infectious disease epidemiology was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and is published in the journal, Nature. Dr. Zambriski currently serves as a Global Health Security consultant with Veterinarians for Global Solutions. Her area of focus is on the development of One Health frameworks for international multi-lateral organizations, for the purpose of strengthening global health security and protecting livestock health. She specifically strives to strengthen countries’ multisectoral capacities in reducing the risk and impact of zoonotic disease threats that are of greatest public health concern. She was the first veterinarian to be awarded an NIH Fogarty Fellowship, an honor historically awarded to physicians.