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Erin Frey

Assistant Research Professor, Clinical Sciences


College of Veterinary Medicine


Dr. Frey earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from North Carolina State University in 2003. In 2015, she became board certified by the American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine and went on to earn a Masters of Public Health in Public Health Leadership and field epidemiology from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She has worked as a clinician in private primary care practice as well as academia serving cat and dog patients, and her interests in infectious disease and zoonotic disease prevention led her to her current position as a Research Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University. Her area of scholarly research includes antimicrobial resistance and its effect on human and animal health as well as the promotion of antimicrobial stewardship through communication research and the development of resources for veterinary teams and the public. She has worked with colleagues across the globe to develop antimicrobial use guidelines and policy and currently serves on committees for the American Veterinary Medical Association’s Committee on Antimicrobials as well as the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, an international standards setting group.