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Bob Franks

Professor & Department Head, Plant and Microbial Biology


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Hybrid Seed Inviability and the Evolution of Endosperm Development in Mimulus – The endosperm is the starch- and/or protein-rich tissue within the seed. It is estimated that 67% of the calories of the human diet are derived from the endosperm of agricultural varieties (mostly grains). In addition to its agricultural importance, the study of embryo and endosperm development is of interest to both developmental biologists and evolutionary biologists. The parental conflict theory is an evolutionary theory that predicts that genes supporting endosperm and embryo development will be subject to imprinting and parent-of-origin effects. Furthermore, the rapid evolution of genes that function in the regulation of parental conflict has been proposed to act as a reproductive isolation mechanism and thus may support speciation events. We expect these studies will illuminate developmental, molecular and evolutionary mechanisms of reproductive isolation and speciation, as well as mechanisms of endosperm development. Our work is broadly relevant to biodiversity-related global challenges and global food security efforts. Additionally, as Head of the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, I serve as a bridge and facilitator between our diverse departmental faculty and the Global One Health Academy.