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Dominic Reisig

Professor & Extension Specialist, Entomology and Plant Pathology


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Dr. Reisig’s appointment at NC State University is 70% Extension (corn, cotton, small grain, soybean entomology) and 30% research. Through his Extension program, he provides relevant, timely, scientifically based information and solutions to North Carolina’s field crop producers in a way that is understandable and that facilitates changes. He harmonizes producer concerns with environmental impacts and the general public’s needs, with the overarching goal of enhancing the profitability and efficiency of field crop production.

In his program, he is the leading expert on Helicoverpa zea (commonly known as bollworm, corn earworm) and an expert on stink bugs. Helicoverpa are major pests worldwide (global “super pests”), managed with Bt in some crops and insecticides in others. He is focused on the ecology of this insect and its interactions with Bt crops, which have changed the field crop landscape. Furthermore, piercing sucking insect pests, such as thrips and stink bugs, have emerged as major pests worldwide. Insecticide sprays have been reduced in Bt crops, releasing these insects that are unaffected by the Bt toxins. His program focuses on these pests, with forays into other pests as they become important.

His program is highly collaborative, both nationally and internationally. He has recently been involved with collaborative efforts in Malawi, focused on identifying important agronomic factors to increase yield in groundnuts for small-holder farmers.