Accepting Proposals for GCAP-AMR Seed Grants

The Global One Health Academy is excited to announce a call for proposals for their new GCAP-AMR Seed grants. These grants will fund NC State faculty pursuing interdisciplinary AMR research.
The Global One Health Academy is launching a new initiative – the Grand Challenges Addressing Program (GCAP) – to address wicked problems that demand an interdisciplinary approach. GCAPs will allow us to harness the full spectrum of expertise that NC State offers, with the goal of facilitating innovation, generating transformative solutions, securing extramural funding, and establishing powerful partnerships to address a critical societal issue. Our first GCAP is targeting the silent pandemic of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) at the human-animal-plant-environment interface. To accelerate knowledge advancement in this area, the Global One Health Academy is investing $100,000 to support seed grant opportunities for interdisciplinary AMR research.
Award information
There are two awards available through this call: Launch Projects and Pilot Projects.
Launch Projects will be supported up to $50,000
Launch Projects are intended to be projects that will lead to external grant submission within a short time window. Proposals for existing projects that have preliminary data and/or are at a more advanced stage are welcome for this award, although incorporation of new partners or research directions that enhance One Health and interdisciplinary perspectives are strongly encouraged.
Pilot Projects will be supported up to $15,000.
Pilot Projects are intended to be projects involving new collaborations and/or new research directions. Proposals from early career faculty and exploratory projects are especially encouraged for this award.
Eligibility & Deadlines
We welcome proposals from NC State faculty from any disciplinary background. It is required that proposals be collaborative and interdisciplinary, with at least two colleges represented amongst the research team. All proposals must include at least one PI that is a GOHA Affiliate Member.
Launch Projects
The deadline to submit letters of intent has now passed.
Pilot Projects
Submit proposals here by Friday, August 30, 2024, 11:59 p.m. ET
Please direct any questions to Meredith Spence Beaulieu (