Applications Open for Fall 2024 Graduate Travel Awards

To advance research and professional development opportunities for graduate students working on global challenges through a One Health approach, we are pleased to offer the Global One Health Academy Graduate Travel Award.
Application Deadline: Friday, April 19, 11:59 p.m. ET
One Health is a collaborative research framework that recognizes the interconnectedness of the health of humans, animals, plants, and the environment. It brings together scientists and practitioners from diverse disciplines to work toward improving the health of these systems simultaneously, from local to global scales.
This travel award will support 3-5 graduate students per year for international or domestic travel that advances their global One Health-related research. Travel could be for field work, data collection and analysis, workshops and training on new methods and approaches, other opportunities that will advance research theory or practice, or conferences and other venues where research findings will be disseminated to the scientific community or the public. Award amounts are available up to $1,500 for domestic travel and up to $3,000 for international travel. There will be two application cycles per year: the current call will support travel occurring July through December 2024.
To be eligible for this award, the applicant must be a graduate student at NC State with One Health research relevant to one or more of the Global One Health Academy thematic areas, which include: driving food and water solutions, combating infectious diseases, and/or addressing climate change and health disparities. Graduate students from disciplines across all of NC State’s colleges with relevant research are encouraged to apply. For this cycle, all awarded funds must be used by December 31, 2024.
Application Materials
- A research statement that describes your research and clearly demonstrates its relevance to One Health and one or more of the Global One Health Academy thematic areas. This statement should be written so that it is accessible and compelling to faculty from broad disciplinary backgrounds spanning the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Limit 500 words.
- A description of the research opportunity, training/workshop, or conference that you plan to attend using these funds and how you will benefit from receiving this award. This section should address the travel opportunity in terms of both how it will advance your research and how it will enhance your professional development. Limit 500 words.
- A budget justifying the requested funds. Allowable expenses include ground or air travel, lodging, per diem food expenses, required research supplies, conference/workshop registration fees, or other costs directly related to the proposed research-related travel or conference/workshop attendance. This award will fund at most $1,500 for domestic travel or $3,000 for international travel, but budgets should list all anticipated expenses, even if they exceed the award amounts. If other funding sources will be supporting your travel for this opportunity, please ensure that they are also reflected in the budget.
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Please contact Meredith Spence Beaulieu ( with any questions.
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