Envisioning GOHA’s Future

On Friday, February 23, the Global One Health Academy hosted a strategic planning meeting attended by more than 50 partners representing programs and units from multiple disciplines.
Collaborators and partners across NC State University convened on a rainy Friday morning to help develop a strategic plan for the Global One Health Academy. Lively conversations arose as participants worked together on envisioning the future of the academy and defining the unique aspects that set GOHA apart.
Attendees participated in fun and engaging activities to spark insightful conversation. One of these activities involved using magazine clippings to envision a future for GOHA. Visions ranged from discussions of technology and prevention tactics to the importance of education and communications. Beneath all of these unique visions was a common theme of equity. Participants expressed the need to engage with underserved communities and local communities in an equitable manner.

After a delicious lunch and remarks from Provost Arden, the group then worked together to discuss ideas for strategic priorities around GOHA’s thematic areas: research in food and water solutions, climate change and health disparities, and infectious diseases; undergraduate and graduate education; local,national, and global engagement, and facilitating change. Individuals then used dot voting to hone in on ideas with the most interest and energy behind them.

Finally, the meeting concluded with GOHA collaborators and partners sharing what the academy has done successfully and how they can continue to effectively spread the message on one health. GOHA was recognized for their student and faculty support, along with their networking and communication efforts.
Information from this Strategic Planning Meeting will be used by the Global One Health Academy team to develop a strategic plan that ensures continued success and reach as an internationally recognized One Health leader.
The GOHA team thanks all participants for contributing to such a successful event filled with robust discussion and vision for the future of the Global One Health Academy.
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