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Person wearing a VR headset

Nov 8, 2018

A New Reality for Online Education

Online instruction at NC State is taking on a whole new meaning, thanks to emerging virtual reality technologies and the innovative folks at DELTA who adapt them for faculty and staff to use. 

Nov 6, 2018

Consortium Offers Funds for International Collaboration

NC State faculty are eligible to apply for $10,000 per project to stimulate collaboration among the members of Academic Consortium for the 21st Century (AC21). The AC21 Special Project Fund was created in order to bring together members of AC21 universities, encouraging […] 

Photo of five members of the Wilson family.

Nov 5, 2018

Transformative Gift to NC State Names the Wilson College of Textiles

A $28 million gift from Fred Wilson and family names the College of Textiles. 

The making of the DDes program

Nov 1, 2018

Launching the Doctor of Design Program: A Collaborative Journey

NC State College of Design launched the only online Doctor of Design program in the country. This flexibility is intended to converge technology, innovation, and academic rigor to create an effective program with a focus design investigation. Learn about the making of this program. 

Oct 29, 2018

Faculty Strengthen Communities Through Extension and Engagement

J. Mark Scearce, professor of art and design, created a new original score for Dracula as a special commission for the Carolina Ballet, helping bring in crucial revenue for the nonprofit arts organization. 

Oct 26, 2018

Making Education a Global Priority

Hiller Spires seeks to make education a global priority through her teaching, research and service. As the Friday Institute’s interim director and professor of literacy education in the Department of Teacher Education and Learning Sciences, Spires has conducted the New […] 

International Storytelling Competition

Oct 25, 2018

NC State Global Hosts International Education Month 2018

NC State’s Think and Do attitude stretches across campus and around the world. To celebrate the far reaches of the Wolfpack community during International Education Month (IEM), the Office of Global Engagement and its partners across campus will host a […] 

The Raleigh, North Carolina, skyline at night

Oct 23, 2018

NC State Co-Hosts Smart Cities Summit Oct. 31

Collaboration between academia, industry and government is at the heart of the Smart Cities Summit. Check out the event to learn about smart cities, smart technologies and how NC State plays a role. 

The Women's Center's peer educators program, The Movement, hosts a student workshop.

Oct 22, 2018

Placing Community at the Center

NC State’s campus community centers — the African American Cultural Center, the GLBT Center, Multicultural Student Affairs and the Women’s Center — help students find their authentic selves and gain new perspective. 

Alice Warren behind the main desk in the McKimmon Center.

Sep 20, 2018

A Bus, a Goat and Lots of Learning: Retiring Administrator Looks Back at Career

Capping nearly 40 years at NC State, Alice Warren reflects on the people, programs and progress that made it all worthwhile.