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3D memo

NC State alumni gateway

May 1, 2020

3D Memo: HR COVID-19 Special Faculty and Staff Leave Provisions, Special Compensation for Eligible Mandatory Onsite Employees and OSBM Updates

This memo provides important updates on HR COVID-19 special faculty and staff leave provisions, special compensation for eligible mandatory onsite employees and new guidance from the Office of State Budget Management (OSBM). 

NC State alumni gateway

May 1, 2020

3D Memo: Families First Coronavirus Response Act and Paid Administrative Leave

The federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) was enacted in March 2020 to address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the U.S. The FFCRA went into effect April 1, 2020, and is set to remain in effect until December 31, 2020. The act provides two types of leave: emergency paid sick leave and expanded family medical leave. 

NC State alumni gateway

Mar 31, 2020

3D Memo: Cancellation of On-Campus Summer 2020 Classes

No on-campus, face-to-face classes will be held at NC State for Summer Sessions 1 or 2 in 2020. 

NC State alumni gateway

Mar 30, 2020

3D Memo: Important Update: COVID-19 Special Faculty and Staff Leave Provisions

New leave provisions authorized by the interim president of the University of North Carolina System in response to the COVID-19 event will take effect April 1 and remain in effect through April 30. The new provisions supersede all regular policies and are subject to modification or discontinuation by the interim president at any time based on COVID-19 developments, executive orders and the operational needs of the university. 

NC State alumni gateway

Mar 27, 2020

3D Memo: Important Update: Suspension of All Nonessential Human Resources Actions

In light of current circumstances focusing the university’s attention on the COVID-19 response, the UNC System Office is temporarily suspending the following nonessential human resources activities: salary adjustments; position actions, including creating new positions or modifications to existing positions; and new hires. Exceptions may be granted under certain circumstances. New hires. 

NC State alumni gateway

Jan 29, 2020

3D Memo: Annual Raise Process (ARP) and Release of 1% Salary Hold

Without authorization of an Annual Raise Process, our university faces challenges in maintaining salary equity within our institutional peer group as well as competitive pressures to retain top talent. Campus units should immediately release the hold on their one-percent for ARP and use the university’s existing guidelines to pursue salary adjustments to address labor market, equity, retention and other critical compensation needs in accordance with the university’s regular salary administration procedures.