October 2022 Provost’s Corner

Dear faculty and staff,
We’ve reached the halfway point of the semester, and are well into an exciting fall season at NC State. There’s lots of activity taking place on campus, and I hope you can take part in some of our upcoming events.
At the end of the month, we’ll kick off our annual Red and White Week, taking place October 30-November 5. We want the entire community to come together to celebrate what makes NC State a great place to work, learn and innovate. The week includes Pack Appreciation Day, the homecoming football game against Wake Forest, and much more.
I particularly hope you will take time to attend the Chancellor’s Fall Address on Monday, October 31, at 1 p.m. in Talley Student Union. Chancellor Woodson will speak to faculty, staff, students and alumni, reflecting on the past year at NC State and all of our accomplishments.
Additionally, we’re making great progress on the new Integrative Sciences Initiative and Building (ISI and ISB), which you can read more about in this month’s newsletter. The ISI and ISB will change the way we do science at NC State through facilitating new synergies in research and education in order to solve the world’s biggest problems and take advantage of its greatest opportunities.
Through this and other efforts, we are continuing to progress toward our strategic goals and furthering our mission as a R1 land-grant university. I look forward to what the second half of the semester will bring for all of us.
To keep up with all academic and faculty- or staff-related developments, follow @NCStateProvost on Twitter.
Until next time,
Warwick Arden
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost