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September 2022 Announcements

Administrator Announcements:

  • Vice Provost for Outreach and Engagement and Director of the Center for Family and Community Engagement Kwesi Brookins will leave NC State at the end of 2022 to become Associate Provost for Outreach and Engagement at Michigan State University, where he earned his master’s degree and doctorate.
  • Upcoming Dean Searches: The Provost’s Office will begin searches soon for deans of the Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Engineering and Sciences. Members of the affected colleges and university leadership will be notified as soon as the searches are underway.

From the Coastal Resilience and Sustainability Initiative:

  • Mania Talia will present, “Am I Not Your Neighbor? A Tuvaluan Plea for Survival in a Changing Climate” on Thursday, October 6, 2022 from 10 a.m. (reception to follow) in Witherspoon Student Center’s Sankofa Room. Talia holds a master of theology degree with an emphasis on climate change and theology and is studying for his doctorate in Australia. Mr. Talia was part of the Tuvalu government delegation to the Paris Conference on Climate Change and recently to the 2022 Climate Change Conference in Egypt. This event is sponsored by the Initiative, the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, and the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center.
  • Spaces are still available for the fall symposium, “Think and Do: Climate Challenges and Solutions” October 10-11, 2022 at Hunt Library. The Initiative is sponsoring the event and there are many ways for students, faculty and the public to be involved. Event details, opportunities and registration information are available at the event website. Registration and attendance is free thanks to financial support from the NC State Sustainability Fund and Eastman Chemical University Engagement Fund.

From the Data Science Academy:

  • A non-profit mathematics education organization has donated $60,000 to the Data Science Academy and the Science House  at NC State to support high school programming that gets more students interested in data science. The gift from the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications (COMAP) will provide rural and high-need schools with training, resources and support to participate in mini data challenges at NC State that lead to participation in national and international challenges such as the High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling. The grant is the first major gift to the Data Science Academy, which launched in 2021.
  • The Data Science Academy at NC State University invites students, alumni and employers to the Data Science Career Expo on Monday, October 17. The event will be held from noon-4 p.m. in the Duke Energy Hall of the James B. Hunt Jr. Library. Connect with employers in the Triangle Area with Data Science opportunities! 


  • Apply for DELTA Express Grants by September 16. DELTA offers two types of DELTA Express Grants this fall. The work on these grants last a semester.
  • Use Your Noodle to Navigate Moodle and more in our upcoming workshops! Fall DELTA workshops are now available in REPORTER for registration. All your favorite topics are available again this fall with a concentration on the Moodle 4 upgrade. Both virtual and in-person options are available for most of the offerings.
  • Beginning October 10, 2022, all Zoom recordings older than two years will be moved to your recycle bin for 30 days. Users will receive an email seven days prior to permanent file deletion. After 30 days in your recycle bin, the recording will be permanently deleted. Panopto is available for longer-term video storage and streaming.
  • DELTA’s Accessibility Team offers several tips to make your PDFs accessible

From the Office of Global Engagement:

  • The Office of Global Engagement’s annual Study Abroad Fair will be on Thursday, October 6 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. in the Talley State Ballroom. Students will be able to learn about different types of study abroad programs, explore opportunities here such as the upcoming summer short-term faculty-led programs, as well as affiliate programs and providers. Students can also learn about how to apply for study abroad programs, which programs work best with their major, and much more.

From the Office of Information Technology:

  • Due to the university’s Power Forward Project, the Office of Information Technology will take offline many campus IT services on Saturday, October 1 until early Tuesday, October 4. Learn more.
  • In celebration of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month in October, NC State will sponsor “It’s Easy to Stay Safe Online” to increase the awareness and prevention of security threats. This year’s cybersecurity program begins with an “Adventure in Cyberland.” From October 3-31, embark on a digital scavenger hunt to find cyber clues in online resources that will teach you how to navigate safely through our complex digital world. Once you complete the scavenger hunt, you’ll be entered into a raffle for a chance to win great prizes.

The program will also feature State Chief Risk Officer Rob Main who will shed some light on North Carolina’s cyber future. Main will deliver the virtual keynote “Back to Our Future: Where We’re Going, We Don’t Need Roads” on Friday, October 21 from 10-11:30 a.m. During his talk, Main will discuss priorities to strengthen the whole-of-state approach to cybersecurity.

For more information about how to register for and other planned cyber events, visit the NC State Cybersecurity Awareness Month website at Sponsors of this year’s events include the NC State Office of Information Technology, the NC State Arts Program, Amazon and CampusGuard.

From the Shelton Leadership Center:

  • The 21st Shelton Leadership Forum is a nationally recognized event offered by the Shelton Leadership Center to inspire values-based leadership and promote professional development. This year’s theme is “Leading with Accountability” and the focus is providing practical strategies that current and emerging leaders can immediately implement. This year’s keynote speakers include Cordell Riley, COO for Biggby Coffee, Heather McGowan, Strategic Consultant & Best-Selling Author, and Sam Silverstein, Founder of the Accountability Movement. We’ll also have guest appearances by our Chancellor and Provost and a panel of industry professionals who will discuss how their organizations are addressing current workforce challenges. Come prepared to be inspired and take away tangible best practices as we adapt to this “normal of now.” Register now and join us virtually Friday, October 21 from 8:30 a.m.–noon.

From the Speakers and Lectures Committee:

  • On Thursday, October 13, 2022, at 3 p.m. at the Stewart Theater (Talley Student Union), the University Speakers and Lecturers committee will host an evening with Dr. Aprille Joy Ericsson. Ericsson was the first person of color to receive The Washington Award from the Western Society of Engineers, the first African-American female to receive a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Howard University and the first African-American female civil servant to earn an engineering Ph.D. at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. There she currently serves as New Business lead for the Instrument Systems and Technology Division .This event will be a tremendous occasion to welcome such a prolific figure to NC State University and we would love for you to join us. The event will be offered both live and through online streaming. Please RSVP using this link.