May 2022 Announcements
Administrator Updates
- Senior Vice Provost for Global Engagement Bailian Li will step down from his position and return to the faculty in the College of Natural Resources, effective August 15. Heidi Hobbs, associate professor in the School of Public and International Affairs, to lead the Office of Global Engagement in the interim, effective August 15.
- Helen Chen has been named senior vice provost for Instructional Programs after a nationwide search. Her appointment is effective August 1.
- Senior Vice Provost for University Interdisciplinary Programs search: Campus interviews for finalists wrapped up March 13 and the new senior vice provost will be announced in the next few weeks. Stay up to date on the search by visiting the search page on the Provost’s Office website or
- Dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences search: The nomination committee had a check-in meeting on April 18 and then a mid-search review meeting on May 6. The committee will meet next in late May to identify a small handful of candidates for first-round interviews, which will take place in early to mid-June. Stay up to date on the search by visiting the search page on the Provost’s Office website or
From the Data Science Academy:
- NC State’s Data Science Academy (DSA) is pleased to announce its 2022 Seed Grant program. This program, developed in collaboration with the Office of Research and Innovation (ORI), aims to increase interdisciplinary data science research at NC State by building and strengthening interdisciplinary networks among NC State researchers with shared interests in data science.
- The “Hot Topics in Data Science” summer webinar series will kick off on June 3. More information is available on the DSA website. There will be more session information coming, but registration is open for all sessions. In Summer 2022, the NC State Data Science Academy is hosting “Hot Topics in Data Science,” a webinar series of virtual panels showcasing various ways to build a career in data science. The series of eight panels will feature diverse groups of speakers discussing data science opportunities and addressing current conversations in the field. Interdisciplinary panels will bring students, academics, and experts from industry and government together to discuss the ways data science is all around us and to share strategies for broadening participation in data science. Data science is everywhere and for everyone. Offering more than individual career advice, this series will give attendees systemic strategies for continuing to expand data science opportunities for all.
- The Wearable Medical Technology and Data Science Workshop will be held June 2 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., and offers a multitude of speakers, panels and discussions. Open to Atrium Health and North Carolina State University affiliates. Register for the workshop. This workshop is a collaboration between North Carolina State University, Wake Forest Center for Biomedical Informatics and Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist.
- DELTA compiled a list of important dates related to the latest academic enterprise technology. There are links to workshops and important dates conveniently located in one place.
- DELTA is seeking session proposals for our annual Summer Shorts in Instructional Technologies program — set for August 17 (hybrid) and August 18 (virtual). If you have a new technology or strategy you would like to share with your colleagues in higher education, we encourage you to submit a session proposal by May 28. All NC State faculty and staff are invited to apply and may submit up to three proposals.
- DELTA is offering many options for learning about the new Moodle 4 upgrades. Need just a bit of help? Then Navigating Moodle 4 is the one for you! In this short 30-minute session, you will get an overview of the new layout and features.
- Existing Mediasite content will not be accessible after Monday, May 16. Look up the Panopto URLs for your presentations by using the Mediasite to Panopto URL Converter. For more information, visit Converting Mediasite Links to Panopto Links in a Moodle Space.
- From navigating Moodle 4.0 to learning about Top Hat, Jamboard, Gradescope and more, participants have the opportunity to partake in online or hybrid workshops to boost their knowledge inside and outside the classroom. Save the Date for Summer Workshops.
- Moodle has a new look for Fall 2022! The new, sleeker design of Moodle 4.0 builds more breathing space into your course layout, maintains previous functionality, and includes a few new-and-improved features.
- DELTA Faculty Fellow Michelle Bartlett began offering Facul-Tea sessions in her previous program area as a way to keep full-time and part-time faculty connected with one another. These sessions create a space where colleagues can learn about new technology tools to implement in class.
From the Office for Faculty Excellence:
- The Office for Faculty Excellence will host “Global Leadership: What’s in It for Faculty and Why Bother?” on Thursday, May 26, from 10-11 a.m., via Zoom. The webinar will be presented by Dr. Natalia Timuș (Fulbright-Schuman Scholar, NC State Office for Faculty Excellence; Head of Academic Development, Center for Active Pedagogy, University Côte d’Azur, France). Higher education faculty, staff and students are confronted with an increasing need to develop global leadership skills. These skills are crucial for the 21st century teaching and learning in order to address the complex global challenges and equip the students with intercultural and global competence. Moreover, the COVID-19 context has stressed the importance of leveraging international collaborations in order to provide a global perspective to formal and informal curricula beyond study abroad mobilities.
This webinar will address the above issues by providing a scientific and practitioner’s perspective on global leadership skills for faculty. Drawing on personal experience, Dr. Timuș, a global leader and a Fulbright-Schuman scholar at the Office for Faculty Excellence, will share research results from her current project on “Inclusive Global Teachers for the 21st Century” and some practice-based insights. Special attention will be devoted to harnessing international collaboration opportunities to promote global learning for all and how to leverage collaborative and agile approaches for propelling new initiatives forward within higher education. Register here to receive a calendar invitation with the Zoom link.
From the Office of Global Engagement:
- NC State is among the top 200 universities in the world for global sustainable impact, according to the Times Higher Education’s 2022 Impact Rankings that measure university contributions to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. NC State first participated in the Impact Rankings last year, finishing in the top 300 globally. This year’s rise to the top 200 globally and NC State’s tie for No. 7 among U.S. universities comes amid a 25% increase in the number of universities participating in the rankings.
- Jonathan Brewster has received NC State’s Outstanding Extension Award. Brewster has been the Director of the North Carolina Japan Center since 2018 and has made significant contributions to NC State’s Extension and Outreach mission.
- A successful grant application led by Kyle Keith, assistant director of the Study Abroad Office, and Andy DeRoin, assistant director of the GLBT Center, has been selected by the Institute of International Education (IIE) to receive an IIE American Passport Project grant that will enable up to 25 NC State students to obtain a U.S. passport and support their study abroad journeys. In the second year of the program, IIE awarded 40 institutions with this opportunity, which will help 1,000 Pell-eligible, U.S. students obtain their U.S. passports and start their study abroad journey. This is the first time that NC State received this grant which focuses specifically on providing students from the GLBT community with a passport.
- Fred Cubbage received the 2022 Jackson Rigney International Service Award, which recognizes the distinguished contributions of a faculty or staff member for the promotion of international understanding and service to the university and/or to the international community over the course of their career. The award honors the late Dr. Rigney, an agronomist who served NC State for 40 years bringing a global perspective to his life and work which serves as a model for those who seek to promote international education.
- On April 20, NC State Global hosted its annual Global Engagement Exposition. Learn more about the award recipients here.
- Prashant Prabhu received the 2022 Distinguished Global Alumni Award, which honors alumni who were international students while here at NC State and have used their education to distinguish themselves through outstanding achievements. Distinguished accomplishments may include helping to solve a global problem, contributing important new knowledge to their field, supporting the professional development of young people, achieving success in industry or innovation, or in other ways bringing distinction to themselves and to NC State.
From the Office of Information Technology:
- Tracy Doaks, president and chief executive officer of MCNC, returns to NC State to speak on Wednesday, May 18 from 11 a.m.-noon in the Duke Energy Hall of the James B. Hunt Jr. Library.
- On May 5, OIT implemented the new Duo Security Universal Prompt web-based authentication interface. Duo is a two-factor authentication service at NC State.
- On Monday, May 9, OIT started requiring Shibboleth authentication to log in to Google Workspace. As a result, NC State Unity account holders will use Duo Security instead of Google 2-Step Verification to authenticate to Google Workspace.
- Many university employees work from non-traditional or shared spaces but need access to their campus phone or video conferencing tools. OIT Communication Technologies offers a variety of mobility solutions to accommodate a department’s needs. Learn more.
- As one of many fallouts from the Russian invasion of Ukraine, cybercrime analysts warn that Russia is likely to set its sights on the United States with phishing and ransomware at the forefront of cyberattacks. In response, Keith Werner, University of North Carolina System Office chief information officer, has directed all UNC institutions to be hypervigilant.
From Institutional Strategy and Analysis:
- ISA’s Institutional Analytics has created and published the Program Review Dashboards for both Undergraduate and Graduate programs to provide plan-level data for academic program review. For a selected academic plan, the dashboards provide summary data on: enrollment, admissions, student success, and surveys. The dashboards provide the most recent ten years of data for any plan that had data of any of these metrics for over the ten year period. For more information on these dashboards, please contact the ISA Institutional Analytics Team.
- The AY20-21 reports and dashboards for the NC State Future Plans Survey of graduating seniors are now available on the ISA website. The Future Plans Survey (administered every December and May) and the follow-up Survey of Recent Graduates (administered every September) collect information on bachelor degree earners’ plans following graduation, including detailed information on employment characteristics and salary, the job search, graduate/professional school attendance, and participation in career-related activities while at NC State. The “Fast Facts” report highlights key results from the survey, while the Introduction and Methodology Report provides an overview of the survey administration. The AY20-21 FPS Overview Dashboard contains interactive graphs and tables on employment, the job search, compensation, graduate/professional school attendance, career preparation activities, and overall satisfaction with the undergraduate experience. NC State unity users with applicable permissions also have access to a version of the Overview Dashboard and a College Comparisons Dashboard that contain filters for breakouts by degree, college, department, and academic plan of study.
From the NC State University Libraries:
- The 2022 NC State University Libraries Faculty Award has been given to Erin McKenney, assistant professor in applied ecology and director of undergraduate programs. The Libraries Faculty Award is given to an NC State faculty member who has contributed consistently and notably to the accomplishment of the Libraries’ mission, vision, and strategic initiatives. The award, established in commemoration of the Libraries’ centennial year in 1989, enables the Libraries to recognize faculty contributions.