Search for Senior Vice Provost for Enrollment Management and Services Now Underway

An open search for the senior vice provost for Enrollment Management and Services is now underway. The nomination committee is chaired by Senior Vice Provost for Academic Strategy and Resource Management and Provost’s Office Chief of Staff Duane Larick.
- Rich Berlin, Associate Vice Chancellor, Campus Enterprises, Office of Finance and Administration
- RaJade Berry-James, Chair-Elect of the Faculty, Associate Professor, Public and International Affairs, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Jim Broschart, Associate Vice Chancellor, University Development
- Sherwood Bryan, Director, Student Information System, Office of Information Management
- John Dole, Associate Dean and Director, Academic Programs, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Melanie Flowers, Student Body President and Undergraduate Student, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Katie Graham, Assistant Dean and Associate Athletic Director, Academic Support Program for Student Athletes, Division of Academic and Student Affairs
- Peter Harries, Dean, The Graduate School
- Lexie Malico, Graduate Student Association President and Doctoral Student, College of Sciences
- Chris McGahan, Dean, College of Sciences
- Tamah Morant, 2020-21 Chair of the Undergraduate Admissions Committee and Teaching Professor, Economics, Poole College of Management
- Barbara Moses, Associate Vice Chancellor, Budget and Resource Management, Office of Finance and Administration
- Barry Olson, Associate Vice Chancellor, Business Administration, Division of Academic and Student Affairs
- Kyle Pysher, Associate Registrar, Registration and Records, Enrollment Management and Services
- Greg Raschke, Senior Vice Provost and Director of Libraries
- Dan Stancil, Professor and Department Head, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering
- Katharine Stewart, Vice Provost, Faculty Affairs
Executive Search Services in NC State’s Human Resources division will be assisting the committee. Kelly Wick will be the Provost’s Office liaison for this search.
The nomination committee will hold its first meeting December 9 and will continue to work during the spring semester. Finalist candidate interviews and open forums will be held in mid-spring 2021. Stay up to date on the search by visiting the search page on the Provost’s Office website or