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Strategic Plan and Task Forces Update

Memorial Belltower

The 2019-2020 academic year marks the end of The Pathway to the Future: NC State’s 2011-2020 Strategic Plan. In this final year, NC State continues to strengthen its commitment to support faculty, staff and students in achieving academic and personal success. Progress toward goals set forth in the plan — enhancing student success, investing in faculty and infrastructure, supporting interdisciplinary scholarship, pursuing organizational excellence and engaging locally and globally — pushes the university ever forward.

Since the last strategic plan report card in fall 2018, we’ve enhanced the ways we Think and Do to achieve our goals. This includes growing our alternative pathway programs; increasing funding for interdisciplinary scholarship and research; promoting new diversity and inclusion initiatives; creating, renovating and expanding important spaces on campus; developing international relationships and more. Learn more by visiting the latest strategic plan report card.

The university’s next strategic plan will build on NC State’s previous accomplishments and propel the university to achieve its remarkable potential. Work began with a leadership retreat in September, and continues with the formation of task forces to shape the new strategic plan. Campus involvement and feedback will be crucial to the new plan’s formation and success.

“Having buy-in and participation from the entire university community is crucial to the success of the formation and execution of the next strategic plan,” said Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Warwick Arden. “With input from every part of campus, we’ll be able to build on past achievements in promoting the success of faculty, staff and students.”

Nine task forces related to the new strategic plan were identified as a result of a day-long leadership retreat held in September, with participants representing all of NC State. The university also worked with a consulting firm, and finalized plans with further review by the chancellor and Chancellor’s Cabinet. The task forces are:

  • Advancing Inclusion and Well-Being to Enhance Excellence
  • Continuing to Advance the Brand and Reputation of NC State
  • Envisaging the Next Generation Land-Grant University
  • Graduating the Successful Student
  • Leading the Digital Transformation of Higher Education
  • Leveraging Partnerships to Advance Engagement
  • Pursuing Operational Excellence
  • Re-envisioning Life-Long Education and Credentialing
  • Strengthening University-Wide Interdisciplinarity

These task forces will be composed of representatives from across campus and various colleges and units, and will include faculty, staff, students and university leadership. Another campus update will be provided, along with updates to the strategic planning website, in the new year once the rosters of the task forces have been established. If you have any questions, please visit the strategic planning website.