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NC State Makes Top 25 for Technology Transfer

Late afternoon sun paints the Belltower.

NC State ranks No. 25 among the 200 research institutions studied in the Milken Institute’s latest listing of best universities for technology transfer.

The report, called “Concept to Commercialization: The Best Universities for Technology Transfer,” puts NC State in the top 10 of schools without medical research facilities. NC State also joins three of its 16 peer institutions making the list.

“Creating human capital and conducting research, along with its efficiency as measured by output (patents, licenses executed, licensing income and startups) relative to input (research expenditures), depict the production of good universities delivering on their mission,” the institute says about its rankings.

The list is broken down into four major categories, with NC State ranking 10th in licensing issued, 18th in licensing income, 21st in start-ups and 25th in patents issued. It is ranked in the top 10 of each of those categories when universities with medical schools are removed.

“University technology commercialization is playing an increasingly prominent role in regional economic growth,” says Kelly Sexton, the assistant vice chancellor for NC State’s Technology Commercialization and New Ventures. “This ranking is a reflection of NC State’s investment in strengthening our intellectual property portfolio and building a world-class licensing program.

“I look forward to an even brighter future as new initiatives such as the Wolfpack Investor Network strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem. ”

The full report from the Milken Institute, a non-profit and non-partisan think tank based in California, is available online.

This post was originally published in NC State News.