Staff Ombuds Services Now Available

The NC State Faculty Ombuds Office will now extend services to NC State staff members (all SHRA and EHRA non-faculty). This initiative will be a pilot program in 2017. The office is located off campus at 112 Cox Avenue, Suite 212. Meetings will be set up with flexibility and are by appointment only.
The NC State Faculty Ombuds Office opened in late February 2015 and is now closing in on its two-year anniversary. The office provides confidential, informal, impartial and independent issue and conflict resolution services. The original goal was to help faculty determine options and support early resolution of concerns. Based on the work of the office, additional interest in an expansion of ombuds services to staff developed – most notably via discussions and a resolution from the NC State Staff Senate.
An ombuds office has four core features that make it different from any other university service. It is confidential, independent, informal, and impartial. Because of these features, some ombuds describe the office as “filling the gap” of existing services.
Staff members interested in meeting with Roy Baroff, the faculty and staff ombuds, should call (919) 935-0922. For more information, visit
Learn more about how ombuds support students and employees at NC State.