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One Health Research Symposium | April 15, 2025

Date: Tuesday, April 15, 2024 | 1-5 p.m.
Location: Talley Student Union, Rm 3285

Join the Global One Health Academy for its second annual One Health Research Symposium. This half-day event will spark excitement and spur conversation and new collaborations around One Health, a framework that recognizes the interconnected nature of plant, animal, human and environmental health. Faculty, staff, students and members of the public can attend this celebration of One Health research and leadership at NC State. The symposium will feature a keynote presentation from Laura Kahn (One Health Initiative), research talks from the 2024-25 Global One Health Fellows, an engaging panel discussion on antimicrobial resistance, and research sharing opportunities, including a poster session and paper of the year award! Be sure to stay afterwards for a one hour reception with refreshments and plenty of networking!

Symposium Schedule

1:00 p.m.Welcome & Opening Remarks
1:15 p.m.Keynote Presentation – Laura Kahn
2:00 p.m.Global One Health Fellows Presentations
3:00 p.m.Poster/networking Session
3:45 p.m.Paper of the Year
4:00 p.m.Antimicrobial Resistance Flash Talks & Panel Discussion
4:45 p.m.Closing Remarks
5:00 p.m.Reception

Keynote Presentation

Laura Kahn, co-founder of the One Health Initiative, will lead a keynote presentation on A One Health Analysis of Food Safety & Security, Antimicrobial Resistance, and Climate Change in the 21st Century.

For 15 years, Dr. Laura H. Kahn was a research scholar with the Program on Science and Global Security at the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University. Her education and training encompass nursing, medicine, public health, and public policy.

In April 2006, she published Confronting Zoonoses, Linking Human and Veterinary Medicine in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases which helped launch the One Health Initiative, a global movement promoting the health of all species by increasing communication and collaboration between human, animal, plant, environmental, and ecosystem health professionals.

Dr. Kahn is the author of three policy books. The first, Who’s in Charge? Leadership during epidemics, bioterror attacks, and other public health crises, was originally published in 2009 by Praeger Security International. In 2020, a second edition was issued with a new preface discussing leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her second book, One Health and the Politics of Antimicrobial Resistance, was published in June 2016 by Johns Hopkins University Press. Her third book, One Health and the Politics of COVID-19, was published in October 2024 by Johns Hopkins University Press.

A native of California, Dr. Kahn holds a bachelor’s degree in nursing from UC Los Angeles, a doctorate in medicine from the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, a master’s degree in public health from Columbia University and a master’s degree in public policy from Princeton University. In 2014, the American Association of Public Health Physicians awarded her with a Presidential Award for Meritorious Service, and in 2016, the American Veterinary One Health Society awarded her with their highest honor, the K.F. Meyer-James H. Steele Gold Head Cane Award, for her work in One Health.

Research Sharing Opportunities

Poster Session

The poster session will highlight outstanding global One Health research being done across campus by trainees at all levels. NC State graduate students, undergraduate students, and postdoctoral scholars will have the opportunity to share their work, discuss ideas, and network with faculty, staff, and other students from diverse disciplines. Space for posters is limited, and all poster submissions must be received by the deadline of Tuesday, March 25th, 2025.

Paper of the Year Competition

Have you recently published an exciting One Health paper? Consider submitting your work for Paper of the Year! Articles published by NC State students, postdocs, faculty, and staff in a peer reviewed journal in 2024-2025 are eligible for submission. We will have two prize categories: 1) graduate students and postdocs, and 2) faculty and staff. Winners in each category will be invited to present their work through a short talk at the One Health Research Symposium. They’ll also receive a special gift commemorating their award – plus bragging rights, of course! Submit your paper for consideration by Tuesday, March 25.

Please make sure you also register for the event in addition to submitting your abstract and/or paper. You will be notified of your presentation status by Tuesday, April 1st, 2025.

Presentations from the 2024-25 Global One Health Fellows

  • Benjamin Clark, College of Engineering
    • Talk title: Antibiotic resistant E. coli source tracking in Lampung, Indonesia
  • Andrea Landaverde, College of Sciences
    • Talk title: Evaluation of Immune Responses in Stony Corals Across Different Reef Environments in the Middle Florida Keys
  • Holly McInnes, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
    • Talk title: Investigating Resistance Breaking Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Fitness and Breeding for Durable TSWV Resistance in Tomato
  • Bradley Scholten, College of Sciences
    • Talk title: Antimicrobial Resistance in Songbirds: Bridging Ecology and One Health
  • Lydia Sellers, College of Natural Resources
    • Talk title: Ready, Set, Resilience: Case Studies on Integrating Resilience Education Across Disciplines

Panel Discussion: One Health Perspectives on Antimicrobial Resistance

Recipients of seed grants through our Grand Challenges Addressing Program on Antimicrobial Resistance (GCAP-AMR) will present flash talks on their interdisciplinary research. Projects include modeling of AMR organism colonization, development of novel materials, understanding AMR risks associated with tidal flooding, approaches to course-based research experiences on AMR, and machine learning for antibiotic combination discovery. Following the flash talks, speakers will have a dynamic conversation on the application of One Health perspectives to the global problem of antimicrobial resistance. Speakers and panelists include: