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February 2025 Announcements

The Marye Anne Fox greenhouse reflects the brick of the Fox Teaching Labs, while offering lush greenery inside.
  • The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost will offer a general information session on the Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure process. The session will be offered on two different dates. The session will include information about the process, an overview of the website and a question and answer period. New faculty with professorial rank in all tracks (tenure track, teaching, research, etc.), those who will soon be entering the RPT cycle, and anyone involved in reviewing candidates in the 2025-2026 RPT process are encouraged to attend. One session will be offered in person on Main Campus and the other session will be offered remotely via Zoom Webinar. No registration or RSVP is needed to attend these sessions.

RPT General Information Sessions

  • Wednesday, March 5, 3-4:30 p.m. Bostian Hall, Room 2722
  • Thursday,  March 20, 3:30-5 p.m. Zoom Webinar will be accessible on March 20 at This session will be recorded and posted here under General Information Sessions.

Please familiarize yourself with the Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure website prior to participation. If you have questions please contact


  • Paul Fyfe is an associate professor in the the Department of English and the Communications, Rhetoric and digital media Ph.D. program, as well as the director of the graduate certificate in digital humanities. He is one of six Faculty Fellows for the 2024-2025 academic year, including his English Department colleagues Anna Gibson and Christopher Crosbie.
  • Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Programs Wendy Warner teaches a course composed of students who are secondary school teachers. With full-time jobs and personal demands, she wanted to streamline her course content with the goal of increasing interactions and professional connections — to foster collaboration in the classroom and also beyond the classroom walls. Warner turned to DELTA for help through a Course Design Grant during the 2023-24 cycle. Her goal was to enhance student asynchronous interaction by creating or revising activities and assignments. Learn more.

From the Office for Faculty Excellence:

  • Interested in collaborating with colleagues from all six members of the Cooperating Raleigh Colleges (NC State, Meredith College, Saint Augustine’s University, Shaw University, Wake Tech Community College and William Peace University) on innovative approaches to teaching and learning? Join the Office for Faculty Excellence, DELTA and the NC State University Libraries for the 2025 NC State Conference on Faculty Excellence — which will be held March 6 in Talley Student Union — to learn about mentoring, career mapping, critical thinking and more! Learn more and register today.
  • Register now for Mentoring Matters online sessions, to be held March 7 and 21, and April 4 and 18. Mentoring Matters is a four-part professional development program designed in collaboration with NC State’s Graduate School to equip faculty with the tools and strategies to foster more productive and successful mentoring and advising relationships with graduate students. All sessions occur on Fridays from noon-1:30 p.m.  Participants are encouraged to sign up for all four sessions. Any participant who completes all four sessions will have the option to receive a Credly digital badge, a digital certificate or both.
  • Faculty Conversation Series: Creating Effective Writing Assignments will take place Wednesday, Feb. 26, from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. via Zoom. Faculty interested in writing instruction are invited to engage in a discussion on what makes a writing assignment effective for student learning. By focusing on the writing assignment, faculty can work to prompt writing effectively, to support student success in writing, and to understand the role that generative AI can play in the writing process.
  • The Provost’s Faculty Fellows Program is now accepting applications. In the Provost’s Faculty Fellows Program, current NC State faculty interested in learning more about academic affairs administration can build awareness of challenges and issues in higher education at the university, national and global levels, build skills to address those challenges and issues, build collaborative relationships while working in interdisciplinary groups to solve problems and engage in opportunities to demonstrate leadership potential. 

From the Genetics and Genomics Academy:

  • Please save the date for an upcoming symposium honoring the career of Fred Gould (Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology)! This event will take place on March 7 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. in Talley Student Union in the Coastal Ballroom. It will feature presentations from Fred’s collaborators, former students, and more!

From the Global One Health Academy:

  • Join the Global One Health Academy on Tuesday, April 15, from 1-5 p.m. in Talley Student Union Room 3285 for its second annual One Health Research Symposium. This half-day event will spark excitement and spur conversation and new collaborations around One Health, a framework that recognizes the interconnected nature of plant, animal, human and environmental health. Faculty, staff, students and members of the public can attend this celebration of One Health research and leadership at NC State. The symposium will feature a keynote presentation from Laura Kahn (One Health Initiative), research talks from the 2024-25 Global One Health Fellows, a poster session, an engaging panel discussion on antimicrobial resistance, networking opportunities and more.
  • The Global One Health Academy is excited to open applications for our second cohort of undergraduate Global One Health Scholars, training the next generation of One Health leaders. This program develops undergraduate students into the next generation of leaders in One Health through interdisciplinary training, experiential learning and leadership development, centered on the One Health approach, which connects human, other animal, plant and environmental health. Applications are due Friday, March 21, by 11:59 p.m.
  • The Global One Health Academy is excited to announce the six recipients of the 2025 Postdoctoral Support Awards. Awardees will receive support for research or training expenses that advance interdisciplinary One Health research or implementation.
  • The Global One Health Academy is excited to announce award five projects for its inaugural Local Engagement Seed Grants, developed to support NC State students, postdocs, faculty, and staff in their One Health-relevant local engagement projects. These projects will work to improve the health of individuals, communities, and ecosystems in North Carolina.

From the Office of Global Engagement:

  • Nominations are now open for three prestigious NC State awards celebrating global impact! The Distinguished Global Alumni Award honors alumni who were once international students and are making a global difference. The Jackson Rigney International Service Award recognizes faculty for their lifelong commitment to international service and understanding. The Outstanding Global Engagement Award celebrates faculty and staff who are advancing global teaching, research, and outreach. Know someone who should be recognized? Nominate them by Feb. 21!

From the Office of Information Technology:

  • Subscribe to the Office of Information Technology’s monthly newsletter, OIT News. Get the latest IT updates that might affect your tech. Plus, tips and training.
  • OIT offers a variety of telephony and video conferencing solutions to help university employees stay connected no matter their working location. Learn more.

From Innovation and Entrepreneurship:

  • Applications for the Andrews Launch Accelerator are open! This accelerator gives NC State founders the opportunity to jumpstart their entrepreneurial journey with funding, resources and guidance to grow their company. During the 12-week summer program, founders work on their concepts and build their companies through a course of modules including customer discovery, product development, fundraising and more.

From Institutional Strategy and Analysis:

  • Implementation Insights is a regular article series providing initiative updates and cross-cutting observations related to NC State’s implementation plan. The February article highlights benefits to NC State faculty and staff through NC State’s institutional membership in the Network for Change and Continuous Innovation. Read more here. 
  • Spring 2024 COACHE Faculty Satisfaction Survey results are now available. The Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Collaboration on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) is a national survey that collects information on a wide range of issues identified as critical to faculty satisfaction and engagement, and therefore, to recruitment and retention efforts. NC State has participated in COACHE on a regular basis since AY05-06. Reports with college-specific results from the Spring 2024 administration of the survey will be sent directly to the respective deans by the end of February. Data and documentation on the ISA website include:
    • An interactive dashboard, with charts and tables of results filterable by, e.g., year of survey administration, rank, and tenure status;
    • Detailed tables of results, broken out by various demographic and job characteristics;
    • Tables comparing NC State faculty results to those of our aggregate COACHE peer group (i.e., Georgia Tech, Rutgers, University of Arizona, UMass, Virginia Tech);
    • Results from NC State local questions administered as part of the COACHE survey;
    • A narrative report providing an overview of the research design, along with response rates; and 
    • Copies of the COACHE and local questionnaires.

Narrative summaries of results will be added to the website in the coming weeks.

From the NC State University Libraries:

  • Nominations are now open for the 2025 NC State University Libraries Faculty Award. The annual award recognizes NC State faculty members who have contributed consistently and notably to the accomplishment of the Libraries’ mission, vision, and strategic initiatives. The award, established in commemoration of the Libraries’ centennial year in 1989, enables the Libraries to recognize a faculty member’s contributions and their commitment to open and public scholarship and access to information resources. The award comes with an honorarium and recognition at the Friends of the Libraries fall event. To submit a nomination, complete this form. The deadline for nominations is Monday, April 14.
  • The Libraries is proud to offer Family Backpack Kits for Libraries users who are parents. If you bring children to the Libraries, you can check out a kit containing age-appropriate books, activities, and toys. Developed through consultation with the Student Parent Association (SPA), backpacks are now available for checkout at the Hill and Hunt Libraries, as well as the branch libraries. There are four tiers of family backpack kits: Age ranges 0-2, 2-4, 4-8, and 8-12. Checkout is for 8 hours.

From the Office of Research and Innovation:

  • The Office of Research and Innovation has created a resource webpage with guidance for the research community as we respond to evolving changes resulting from the federal administration transition. 

From the Sustainable Futures Initiative:

  • Twenty students have been selected for the inaugural cohort of the Sustainable Futures Fellows program, which engages interdisciplinary student teams in a unique 15-week exploration of the sustainability challenges and opportunities across key sectors of the economy. The students come from 8 academic colleges and include both undergraduate and graduate students from 15 diverse disciplines. Collaborating in teams, they will study the future of areas such as energy, urban planning, textiles, manufacturing and the blue economy.