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Memorial Belltower

Jun 1, 2018

Professor Emeritus Richard Patty Honored for Service in Retirement

The Association of Retired Faculty recognizes longtime physics professor Richard Patty. 

science lab instruments

May 31, 2018

METRIC Provides Access to Instrumentation

Researchers can now access mass spectrometry instrumentation through a center that allows departments to combine resources for updating and maintaining research equipment and lab space. 

Students walk to class on North Campus at the Brickyard, near the space where Harrelson Hall used to be.

May 29, 2018

Graduate School Names Outstanding Faculty Mentors

Coby Schal and Michael Schulman of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences have been named Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentors by the Graduate School. 

NC State alumni gateway

May 24, 2018

In Memoriam: Dean Emeritus Nino Masnari

Dr. Nino A. Masnari, distinguished professor of electrical and computer engineering and dean emeritus of the College of Engineering at North Carolina State University, passed away on May 19, 2018. 

Shelton Leadership Institute student group photo

May 23, 2018

Red Hat Provides $1 Million Gift to Shelton Challenge

The Red Hat Shelton Challenge will enroll about 800 high school students from across North Carolina this summer for an intensive leadership experience. 

metal wolf statue

May 21, 2018

IEI First in Future Podcast Features Provost Arden

Institute for Emerging Issues' Director Leslie Boney interviews Provost Arden about NC State’s role in fostering student success, the need for career flexibility in the 21st century and the university’s commitment to rural NC. 

Chancellor's Creating Community award winners

May 17, 2018

Diversity Trailblazers Honored at Chancellor’s Creating Community Awards

Faculty, staff, colleges, students and student organizations that have made exceptional efforts and contributions in the areas of equity, diversity, and inclusion were recognized at the annual Chancellor's Creating Community Awards on April 26, 2018. 

Ruben Carbonell

May 15, 2018

Ruben Carbonell Receives UNC System’s O. Max Gardner Award

Ruben Carbonell’s distinguished career garners top recognition from the University of North Carolina System. 

IMB Q Network quantum computing facility

May 14, 2018

NC State Named First University-Based IBM Q Hub in North America

NC State will be the first university in North America to establish an IBM Quantum Computing Hub as part of the global IBM Q Network, a collaboration of top Fortune 500 companies, universities and research labs working with tech powerhouse IBM to advance quantum computing. 

Rodolphe Barrangou

May 10, 2018

Rodolphe Barrangou Elected to National Academy of Sciences

CRISPR pioneer Rodolphe Barrangou has been elected to one of the world’s most prestigious and influential scientific societies.