- The NC State Staff Senate and Division of Academic and Student Affairs have partnered to collect new and gently used coats, hats and other winter clothing for the annual Wolfpack Winter Clothing Drive for students and staff in need. Items will be accepted at several drop-off locations on campus from now through Jan. 27, 2025.
- Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Make-A-Thon, NC State’s annual sustainability innovation challenge for students. During this four-day challenge Jan. 23-26, 2025, student teams research, design, prototype and pitch a new solution that addresses a sustainability challenge. Campus and community experts will evaluate solutions and award $9,000 in cash prizes to the top teams. Students can register now for the 2025 Make-A-Thon.
- Elevate, NC State’s new inclusive post-secondary education program, seeks to partner with faculty from all colleges. They are seeking a range of courses in all disciplines that students in Elevate, a four-year certificate program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), can take. As an instructor of Elevate students, faculty will support their development and help equip them with career and occupational skills. Elevate’s mission is to create an inclusive, person-centered campus experience that provides students with intellectual disabilities opportunities to Think and Do in order to enrich academic knowledge, transform career and occupational skills, and advance personal and social development. For more information, visit ced.ncsu.edu/elevate.
- The DELTA-produced animation What is Ungrading? explains the movement to decenter the role of numeric grades in formal learning environments in favor of qualitative instructor feedback and student self-reflection. Targeted toward both students and anyone else who might want to learn more about the philosophy behind the ungrading movement, the animation and complementary toolkit came to fruition through a 2023-2024 DELTA Exploratory Grant. Learn more.
- In our recent article, “Yellowdig: Turning Isolation into Community in Asynchronous Classes,” DELTA Faculty Fellow Julianne Treme Shares Her Experience with the Online Discussion Platform Yellowdig. Learn more.
- DELTA’s Faculty Fellows Grants program champions innovative technological pedagogy by fostering the exchange of ideas and interdisciplinary partnerships among NC State faculty with support from DELTA staff. These grants essentially exist to promote faculty learning from colleagues.Several new and returning Faculty Fellows recently offered a workshop, Dialogues in Digital Learning: Tips and Strategies from Faculty about how they incorporate technologies into their teaching. Applicable to a variety of teaching modalities and scalable to accommodate small to large class sizes, these technologies should be part of every instructor’s toolkit!
- The NC State DELTA Course Quality team works diligently to ensure that our online courses meet the high standards set by the nonprofit Quality Matters (QM) education organization. This year, they were recognized nationally for their outstanding service efforts on behalf of a higher education institution with the 2024 Quality Matters “Making a Difference for Students” Award. The award recognizes outstanding efforts in service to quality assurance practices in online courses. Learn more.
From the Office for Faculty Excellence:
- Are you interested in learning more about instructional design and best practices for Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)? Join this virtual instructional design workshop with Manisha Mittal, Instructional Design Manager at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, to discuss how to create digitally accessible, inclusive, and sustainable COIL experiences, select relevant educational tools, and review best practices. Carolina faculty will join in to share their insights on COIL design considerations. Hope Windle, Director of SUNY COIL Center, will also join us to share additional resources and workshops available through SUNY COIL Center. The event will take place Friday, Nov. 15 form 11 a.m.-noon and is free and open to all! Register to receive the Zoom link.
- Submit session and poster proposals for the 2025 Conference on Faculty Excellence today! The Office for Faculty Excellence, DELTA and the NC State University Libraries invite faculty, postdoctoral scholars and professional staff to submit session and poster proposals for the 2025 NC State Conference on Faculty Excellence, which will be held March 6, 2025.
- The Libraries and the Office for Faculty Excellence invite faculty to join Open Pedagogy PIT STOP—a program designed to help educators integrate interactive technologies with open pedagogy principles. Go beyond adopting open resources by implementing practices that strengthen collaboration, enhance accessibility, and promote resource sharing. Explore how AI, educational games, and Extended Reality can create engaging, transparent, and inclusive learning environments. Join a dynamic, interdisciplinary cohort of educators working to enrich the teaching experience at NC State. Applications are open through Nov. 20.
From the Office of Global Engagement:
- Are you a faculty member interested in pursuing unique professional development opportunities? Applications are now open for the Spring 2025 OGE Global Engagement Institute! Hosted by the Office of Global Engagement, this semester-long workshop series is designed to equip faculty with the knowledge, skills and resources needed to integrate global perspectives into their teaching, research and service activities.
Program Highlights:
- Monthly enrichment sessions at NC State through the spring 2025 term focusing on integrating global perspectives into teaching, research and service.
- Culminates in a collaborative, week-long workshop co hosted by OGE, the Office for Faculty Excellence, and colleagues at Université Côte d’Azur (UniCA) in Nice, France, from June 23 – 27, 2025
- Participants will be fully funded for workshop travel, including airfare, accommodations and per diem.
Full-time NC State faculty members interested in enhancing their teaching, research and service with global perspectives and considerations are encouraged to apply! For detailed information about the program, eligibility requirements, and the application process, please visit: https://global.ncsu.edu/global-institute/.
- The 40th anniversary of the NC State Nagoya University partnership is coming up and we are thrilled to celebrate! As a part of this celebration, we are creating a commemorative booklet that highlights the special relationship between the two universities. We’re looking for deans, professors, staff, alumni and students to share their experiences and photos related to Nagoya University with us! Interested in sharing your story? Please complete this Google form to share it with us: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSenZM7hbmxzpt0Sv18wCauIGEbGtWIjK7mBS6ZmCUl5hJEqZg/viewform.
From the Global One Health Academy:
- Please let your students know that they can experience Prague through the lens of One Health, through this Summer II study abroad course, GOH 302: Global One Health Applications. This program applies the One Health framework to real-world global health challenges through field-based learning and interdisciplinary engagement. They’ll participate in immersive field visits, examining issues such as emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and the health impacts of climate change. These hands-on experiences and interactive learning sessions will challenge them to think critically about the many factors that influence health outcomes across different domains. Scholarship application closes soon on November 15!
- The Global One Health Academy is excited to announce the first cohort of the Global One Health Scholars. Seven undergraduate students were selected from a highly competitive pool of excellent applications from across multiple academic colleges at NC State. The Scholars program grows the next generation of leaders in One Health through interdisciplinary training, experiential learning, and leadership development.
- To accelerate graduate student research in One Health at NC State, the NC State Global One Health Academy is pleased to announce its call for applications for the 2025-2026 cohort of Global One Health Fellows. Global One Health Fellows will receive one year of support, including a $34,000 stipend, insurance coverage, and tuition remission. They will join an interdisciplinary cohort of graduate students interested in global dimensions of health across humans, animals, plants, and the environment.
- The Global One Health Academy is excited to announce the recipients for the Spring 2025 Graduate Travel Awards to support international or domestic travel that advances global One Health-related research! Three eligible NC State graduate students were awarded funding for travel occurring January through June 2025. Congratulations to our awardees: Lindsay Curl, Shalini Mukherjee, and Shila Pokhrel!
From the Office of Information Technology:
- Join CIO Marc Hoit for the next IT Quick Hall on Nov. 20 from 11:30 a.m. to noon. Hoit will provide a brief update on campus IT news and introduce guest speaker Lt. Col. Seth A. Barun, chief of cyber operations for the North Carolina National Guard (NCNG). Barun will discuss NCNG Cyber Security Response Force lines of effort, its missions, and its proactive and reactive operations.
- To ensure a secure and supported Windows environment, Microsoft systems running Windows 10 must be upgraded to Windows 11 by Friday, July 25, 2025. Due to Windows 11 hardware requirements, some devices will need to be replaced. Plan now for this change.
- Connect with fellow IT professionals at the annual IT Community Event on Thursday, Feb. 13, 2025, at 1 p.m. Session proposals and award nominations are due Friday, Nov. 22.
- All employees must complete the annual Data Security Training before Friday, Jan. 31, 2025. Everyone at NC State has a role to play in protecting our digital community. When one member of the Pack faces a cyberthreat, we all do. Together, we can combat the criminals looking to compromise our devices and data. This training is an easy way for employees to learn to identify and prevent cyberattacks.
From Innovation and Entrepreneurship:
- Global Entrepreneurship Week starts Nov. 18! Innovation and Entrepreneurship has some engaging events that we invite you to attend, including The Morning Grind, which features conversations with Lindsay Wrege, co-founder of 321 Coffee, and fellow business leaders on inclusion, innovation and impact, on Nov. 19, 8:45-10:00 a.m., the Alumni Entrepreneurship Showcase and Miller Fellowship Celebration on Nov. 19, 6-8 p.m., and the Wolf Den Pitch Competition on Nov. 22, 5:30-7 p.m.
- Please let your students know that they are invited to apply to participate in the 2025 Silicon Valley Spring Break Trip. Every year, Innovation and Entrepreneurship takes a select group of students to Silicon Valley in the spring to meet with visionary entrepreneurs, leading executives and successful NC State alumni. Students must apply by Nov. 24 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
From Institutional Strategy and Analysis:
- Reports on results from NC State’s triennial survey of baccalaureate alumni are now available on the ISA website. The Spring 2024 Alumni Survey, administered to those who graduated summer 2015 through May 2021, asks alumni for a wide range of information, including detailed questions about their post-graduation and current employment, further education, and undergraduate experiences, Reports on results include those for respondents overall, as well as dashboards with results broken out by year of administration, college, gender, and race/ethnicity. To access dashboards with results broken down to the department level, contact ISA. Results from college/department/program-specific “insert” surveys have been emailed directly to our survey contacts for the unit.
- Implementation Insights is a regular article series providing initiative updates and cross-cutting observations related to NC State’s implementation plan. The November article highlights a new area of focus for ISA’s support of implementation plan initiatives – doing change well. Read more here.
- Wolfpack 2030 metrics update: ISA updates each Wolfpack 2030 metric once a year (except those based on bi/triennial surveys). Metric updates occur throughout the year to ensure the site information is as fresh and timely as possible. Several metric categories were updated over the summer and at the end of October. When visiting the Wolfpack 2030 metrics site, use each page’s left-side navigation to view all available metrics within a category.
From the Institute for Emerging Issues:
- The Institute for Emerging Issues National Advisory Board recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. On Thursday, Oct. 24, past and present members of the IEI National Advisory Board, along with IEI directors, partners and guests, celebrated two decades of collaborative efforts to address the emerging issues impacting North Carolina.
- IEI has welcomed Cherish Thrash as Community Initiatives Program Associate. Thrash will work alongside faith communities to increase community engagement and raise awareness for the improvement of public health programs, with a focus in rural North Carolina.
- IEI has welcomed Mia Cooper as its New Digital Communications Specialist. Cooper will support the Communications and Marketing team in developing and implementing digital communication and content marketing strategies to amplify IEI’s story and strengthen its brand across various platforms, including the website, newsletters and social media.
From the NC State University Libraries:
- Manchester City FC, reigning Premier League champions, lost a match this summer to NC State’s soccer teams. Not on the pitch, of course—in Fortnite! To celebrate the launch of their own creative map—called “The Ladder”—in Fortnite, Manchester City players visited the NC State Gaming and Esports Lab at the Hunt Library to game against NC State men’s and women’s soccer players and some gaming influencers. Fortnite players can now choose Man City players as their skins/avatars to play. Learn more.
- Join the Friends of the Libraries on Thursday, Nov. 14 from 6-8 p.m. in the Duke Energy Hall in Hunt Library for our Fall Reception and spend an evening with Dr. Elizabeth Jones, science historian and author of Ancient DNA: The Making of a Celebrity Science (2022), to hear the untold story of the rise of the new scientific field of ancient DNA research and how Jurassic Park and popular media influenced its development. Join us to learn more about Dr. Jones’ book, Ancient DNA, and her work on Cretaceous Creatures. The reception will also feature the presentation of the Libraries Faculty Awards, the recognition of new FOL Life Members, and 3D-printed fossils from our Makerspace.
- The next installment in the Global Film Series is Brief Tender Light, which will show on Wednesday, Nov. 20 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Witherspoon Student Center Campus Theater. In celebration of International Education Week, join us for this thought-provoking and uplifting documentary. At America’s elite MIT, a Ghanaian alum follows four African students as they strive to become agents of change for their home countries Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. Over an intimate, nearly decade-long journey spanning two continents, all must decide how much of America to absorb, how much of Africa to hold on to, and how to reconcile teenage ideals with the truths they discover about the world and themselves. Directed by Arthur Musah. Language, English; runtime 1 hour, 33 minutes. The Global Film Series is a collaboration between the NC State University Libraries and NC State Global.
- Join the Libraries for A Conversation with Robyn Gigl, author of Erin McCabe Legal Thrillers on Thursday, Nov. 21 from 7-8 p.m. Robyn Gigl is an award-winning author, attorney, and activist. Her popular Erin McCabe legal thrillers have landed on Best of the Year lists at The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, CrimeReads, LAMBDA Literary, and more.
- Friends of the Libraries will host the Family Holiday MakerSpace Event on Saturday, Dec. 14 from 10 a.m.-noon in the Fishbowl Forum and Makerspace in Hill Library. Join the Friends of the Libraries for a morning of holiday crafting and hot chocolate. This two-hour event allows attendees to come by anytime and engage in Makerspace activities, including 3D design, robotic drawing machines, and making light-up holiday cards. Guests can also take a tour of the Makerspace to discover the latest technologies at the NC State University Libraries. Children aged 5 and up are welcome but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. No prior experience is needed to participate!
From the Office of Outreach and Engagement:
- Hurricane Helene Relief Efforts: Immediate and Long-term Responses is the theme of this year’s Lunch, Learn and Engage webinar series. To register for first discussion on Nov. 21, noon-1 p.m., visit https://go.ncsu.edu/lunchlearnengage. The Office of Outreach and Engagement and the Engagement Operations Council is pleased to invite the campus to join a series of presentations and conversations to understand NC State’s near- and long-term roles in responding to Hurricane Helene. These interdisciplinary, informal sessions will allow for connection and information sharing on this important topic. Learn more about the speakers in the series on the Outreach and Engagement website.
From the Office of Research and Innovation:
NC State’s research enterprise has seen enormous growth over the past decade. While an impressive reflection on the strength of our research enterprise, this growth has posed challenges to our existing infrastructure and administrative processes. In response to these challenges, Chancellor Randy Woodson charged three task forces with identifying the most pressing issues impacting research administration and support services at NC State. Based on recommendations resulting from the Research Administration and Support Services initiative, Chancellor Randy Woodson, together with his leadership team, has selected nine pilot projects to proceed with in order to improve NC State’s research infrastructure. Learn more about the pilot projects.