Fall Semester Updates

The start of the 2021-22 academic year brings with it a bevy of information regarding campus rules, regulations and expectations for faculty, staff and students. Here, we’re compiling the most important information you need to know heading into the fall semester.
COVID-19 Vaccine Information
- The best way to protect yourself and help keep our community safe is to get your COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccines are strongly encouraged for all students, faculty and staff. If you haven’t yet done so, please consider getting your vaccine as soon as possible.
- Student Health Services offers COVID-19 vaccination appointments through the PackVax clinic for students, faculty, staff, alumni and their immediate families. The clinic located at Student Health Services. Appointments are available for anyone aged 12 years and older.
- Vaccination records should be uploaded into the HealthyPack Portal. However, if you receive your vaccine on campus, you do not need to upload your records.
- If you received your vaccination off-campus, please let the university know as soon as possible. Providing proof of vaccination will exempt you from required weekly surveillance testing and from having to quarantine or isolate, in most cases, as part of NC State’s contact tracing program.
Campus Face Covering Policies/Expectations
- As of Monday, Aug. 2, face coverings are required in all indoor spaces on campus for students, faculty, staff and visitors, regardless of vaccination status, unless:
- You are alone in a private, enclosed residence hall room, apartment or office with the door closed.
- You are in an enclosed indoor space when only household members are present.
- You are actively eating or drinking.
- Face coverings are not currently required in outdoor spaces for vaccinated individuals, but they are encouraged, especially in large crowds. Anyone who has not been fully vaccinated should continue wearing a face covering outdoors.
- Face coverings will continue to be required on NC State’s Wolfline buses.
COVID-19 Testing
As of Monday, Aug. 16:
- All students, faculty and staff who will be on campus (or at any NC State owned or operated location across the state) for any reason must provide proof of vaccination or they will be required to participate in weekly surveillance testing on campus.
- Through the Wolfpack Surveillance Program the university will also conduct COVID-19 testing on a regular basis in vaccinated student, faculty and staff volunteers. Our medical professionals will use this sample group to trace symptomatic and asymptomatic infections among vaccinated individuals on campus. Go here to find out more or to volunteer for the program.
- On-campus testing will also remain available for the NC State community throughout the fall. COVID-19 tests on campus are free and available to all NC State students, faculty and staff. For more information on testing locations and hours, please click here.
- If you get tested off campus and the results are positive, self-isolate, do not come to campus and self-report here for students and here for faculty and staff. The university will conduct contact tracing and follow you for symptoms. If the results are negative and you are required to participate in a testing program, you can upload your results into the HealthyPack portal.
Gathering Limits
- All gathering limits have been lifted for indoor and outdoor settings on campus. We encourage all community members to gather safely and be respectful of one another.
Please regularly visit the Protect the Pack website for the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 policies and procedures.
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