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Strategic Planning Update

copper wolves

The Strategic Planning Executive Steering Committee has been meeting regularly over the last few months to review the content of task force reports and define overlapping themes to create high-level strategic planning goals that will guide the university over the next 10 years. As  previously communicated, the task force reports were posted in September.

These nine reports were created via open meetings involving more than 160 faculty, staff and student task force members, and were available for campus review and comment. The comments submitted were made available to the steering committee, who integrated them into their ongoing work. In addition, as part of the  process of creating the university’s next strategic plan, the steering committee proposed revised vision and value statements. NC State’s mission statement was adopted by the Board of Trustees in April 2011 and will not be revised at this time.

Here is a high-level executive summary of NC State’s proposed 2021-2030 vision, values and strategic plan goals for campus community review and feedback. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to take the time to review this document, and beginning in late January the university will hold listening sessions to hear thoughts on this summary. 

Open listening sessions will be held in addition to meetings with specific groups such as Student Senate, Faculty Senate and Staff Senate. More information on these sessions will be shared in the near future. NC State will then take feedback from these sessions and incorporate it into the final strategic planning document.

This final document was initially planned to be presented to the Board of Trustees for review and endorsement at their February meeting, but in an effort to engage the community via listening sessions and provide plenty of time for feedback, a decision has been made to present at the April Board of Trustees meeting.

Please email if there are specific questions about strategic planning and the current process.