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Name that Dean!

NC State's twelve deans.
NC State's twelve deans. Front row (l to r): Dean Mark Hoversten, Design; Dean Rich Linton, Agriculture and Life Sciences; Dean Louis Martin-Vega, Engineering; Dean Maureen Grasso, Graduate School; Dean David Hinks, Textiles; Dean Mary Ann Danowitz, Education. Back row (l to r): Dean Paul Lunn, Veterinary Medicine; Dean Bill Ditto, Sciences; Dean Annette Ranft, Management; Vice Chancellor and Dean Mike Mullen, Academic and Student Affairs; Dean Mary Watzin, Natural Resources; Dean Jeff Braden, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Our deans provide invaluable leadership for NC State’s colleges. Each one plays a role in leading the university toward a bright future that fulfills our land grant mission and vision. Even though they’re serious scholars now, they were all pretty cute kids once.

Every day over the next few weeks, the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost’s Twitter account will post a throwback photo of one of our deans. The first follower to retweet the photo and correctly guess the dean will be retweeted by @NCStateProvost. We’ll update the answers here.

Good luck everyone!

Monday, August 28

Dean Jeffrey P. Braden, College of Humanities and Social Sciences








Tuesday, August 29

Dean Bill Ditto, College of Sciences








Dean Maureen Grasso, The Graduate School








Wednesday, August 30

Dean Louis Martin-Vega, College of Engineering








Thursday, August 31

Dean Mary Ann Danowitz, College of Education








Friday, September 1

Dean David Hinks, College of Textiles








Tuesday, September 5

Dean Mary Watzin, College of Natural Resources








Wednesday, September 6

Dean Rich Linton, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences








Thursday, September 7

Dean Mark Hoversten, College of Design








Friday, September 8

Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Warwick Arden