- The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost is accepting nominations for the 2025 Provost’s Unit Awards for Excellence until Wednesday, Feb. 5, at 5 p.m. Please note: All nominations must be submitted through this Human Resources online form. HR will then forward the nominations to Sherry Bailey, awards coordinator for the Provost’s Office. HR will disable the nomination submission link after the Feb. 5 deadline, therefore, late submissions will not be accepted. Learn more.
- The Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost is responsible for reviewing the administrative performance of deans and vice provosts at least every five years. A review of Dean Myron Floyd and the College of Natural Resources has been scheduled for this semester. As part of the review, the campus community is invited to attend an overview presentation by Dean Floyd on CNR’s goals and accomplishments on Friday, Feb. 14, 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. There will be both in-person and virtual options available for this presentation. In-person participants may join the provost and Dean Floyd in Jordan Hall Addition, Room 1216. Virtual participants may join via Zoom, which will be accessible Feb. 14 at go.ncsu.edu/cnr-review. The review process also includes surveys of specific populations (e.g., senior leadership, advisory committee members, unit employees) who interact regularly with Dean Floyd. If you are invited to participate in a survey for the review, your thoughtful and timely response helps to ensure that the leadership review is as accurate and comprehensive as possible.
- Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Excellence Kim Grainger has been elected to the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU) Class of 2027 Committee of Faculty Affairs Executive Committee. Her term will end at the adjournment of the 2027 APLU Annual Meeting in Nov. 2027.
- NC State is calling on graduate students, undergraduates, postdocs, faculty and staff to take part in Envisioning Research, the university’s annual research image contest. Help us highlight the beauty and importance of the work being done at the bench and in the field, both on campus and around the world.
The contest is a collaborative effort by NC State’s Office of Research and Innovation, the Graduate School, the Office of Undergraduate Research, the NC State University Libraries and University Communications and Marketing. There are cash prizes for winners and runners-up in four categories: Photography, Microscopy, Graphics and Data Visualization, and Video and Interactive. Enter today!
From the Office of Assessment and Accreditation
- NC State’s Quality Enhancement Plan, Packways: Learning by Doing, which focuses on high-impact experiences, is off to a strong start in its pilot year. Faculty, staff and advisors from across the university have completed professional development training on creating or revising high-impact experiences, and additional cohorts are scheduled for the spring and summer. Student interns have also been documenting student voices and reflections on high-impact experiences at NC State – here is one student’s story. The Packways Implementation Team and working groups from across the university are refining Packways plans based on student feedback and emerging information. Opportunities to get involved in this vital and engaging effort will be shared in the coming months. Contact Rebecca Sanchez (rpsanche@ncsu.edu) for more information.
From Climate and Sustainability Academy
- On March 3 and 6 from 9-11:30 a.m. each day, the Climate and Sustainability Academy will be hosting an open house at the Hunt Library in Duke Energy Hall. This event is free and open to the public. As part of the open house, participants will move between tables dedicated to specific topics, sharing ideas and building on one another’s insights. A notetaker at each table will capture key points.
- DELTA is excited to announce a new educational partnership with Wooclap, an NC State enterprise technology tool that will support instructors in encouraging student participation and engagement in online, hybrid and in-person courses. Wooclap is an interactive polling and quizzing platform that integrates seamlessly with Moodle, Zoom and Google Slides.
- DELTA researchers, instructional technologists, multimedia designers and other specialists are partnering with instructors and staff from across NC State to guide classroom AI implementation effectively. Several 2024-2025 DELTA Grants are exploring the use and implementation of AI tools in virtual and hybrid courses at NC State across multiple colleges and divisions. A key focus area of these grants is considering strategies for teaching ethical and effective use of GenAI to students with varying degrees of AI literacy.
- At NC State, many instructors have embraced high structure course design. The majority of courses offered in the interdisciplinary Biotechnology Program, for example, follow this structure. Instructors intersperse low-stakes weekly lab and lecture assignments with individual or group projects to promote active learning as students prepare for higher-stakes exams, providing frequent feedback along the way. Learn more.
- The DELTA Knowledge Base is a great resource for instant support to answer many WolfWare, Moodle or general instructional technology questions you may have — and it is constantly being updated! Just visit our DELTA Knowledge Base homepage, and search for the specific tool or topic you want to learn more about to find helpful articles.
- WolfWare News features the most up-to-date info about NC State academic learning tools for the spring. Senior Coordinator of Digital Learning Martin Dulberg shares important dates and available resources. From workshops to new instructional tools, we have you covered.
From the Office for Faculty Excellence:
- Deadline to Submit Session and Poster Proposals for the 2025 Conference is Jan. 22! The NC State University Office for Faculty Excellence (OFE), Digital Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA), and the NC State University Libraries invite faculty, postdoctoral scholars and professional staff to submit session and poster proposals for the 2025 NC State Conference on Faculty Excellence, which will be held March 6, 2025. Learn more and submit propsals here!
- The College Writing and Speaking Program is offering Writing Wednesday again this semester. Every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to noon, at the Hill Library Faculty Conference room 2312G faculty are invited to meet face-to-face to write. These mini retreats will follow the Pomodoro technique in which participants write for 2-25 minute sessions with room for reflection and goal-setting in between. No need to register, just come and write! See the spring 2025 dates here.
- The Spring Dates and Readings for the SOTL Journal Club have been released. Are you interested in learning more about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) before committing to applying to NC State’s SoTL Institute? Are you a former participant in the SoTL Institute interested in finding community around your educational scholarship? Then the SoTL Journal Club could be a perfect fit. The SoTL Journal Club’s goal is to create community around SoTL themes, and to connect practitioners with faculty that might be interested in learning more about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Learn more and register here!
- A Citizen Science Campus Workshop will take place on Thursday, Feb. 20, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Clark Hall Conference Room. Citizen science refers to a type of participatory science in which research depends on public engagement in the voluntary generation of data. Projects foster experiential learning and can help students gain knowledge, positive attitudes towards science, sense of belonging, and even promote behavior changes. There are thousands of projects, and some might be perfect for your courses. Learn more and sign up here!
From the Genetics and Genomics Academy:
- The GGA has launched a new “Genetics, Genomics and…” video series! Check out the first installment highlighting the working of the Christmas Tree Genetics Program.
- Please save the date for an upcoming symposium honoring the career of Fred Gould! This event will take place on March 7 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. in Talley Student Union in the Coastal Ballroom. It will feature presentations from Fred’s collaborators, former students, and more! Following the symposium, there will be an evening celebration from 6-9 p.m. in JC Raulston Arboretum.
- Save the date for the Share Your Science Graduate Symposium, taking place Friday, March 28, from 1-5 p.m. in Talley Student Union Room 3222! This interdisciplinary science showcase highlights the work of student researchers in the GG Scholars, Global One Health Fellows, GES minor students, Global Change Research Fellows, and Sustainable Futures Fellows. All are invited to attend and learn about the great research happening in these programs!
- The next installment of the GGA Seminar Series will take place on Monday, Jan. 27. The GGA will host Steve Strauss, University Distinguished Professor of Forest Biotechnology at Oregon State University, to present “A phenomic and GWAS adventure studying the causes of genetic variation in amenability to regeneration and transformation in black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa)”. Join us at 1:30 p.m. in Stephens Room (Thomas Hall, 3503).
From the Office of Global Engagement:
- Join us at NC State this spring for the annual University Global Partnership Network (UGPN) Conference, where leading researchers from NC State, the University of São Paulo, and the University of Surrey will come together to address critical global challenges through the lens of One Health. Taking place March 24-26, this year’s conference focuses on “Global Collaborations in One Health,” exploring innovative solutions at the intersection of human, animal, and environmental health. Registration is free and open to all members of the NC State community.
The conference will feature collaborative workshops and networking sessions centered on two vital themes: developing sustainable food and water solutions for global communities, and building climate-resilient environments that protect the health of all populations. Participants will have unique opportunities to forge international research partnerships and contribute to pressing conversations about food security, climate change adaptation, and health equity. We welcome your participation in this collaborative effort to advance One Health research through global partnership.
- Nominations are now open for three prestigious NC State awards celebrating global impact! Recognize alumni who have made a significant global difference with the Distinguished Global Alumni Award, honor faculty and staff for their lifelong dedication to international service with the Jackson Rigney International Service Award, and celebrate exceptional contributions to global teaching, research, and outreach with the Outstanding Global Engagement Award. Nominate someone today—deadline: February 21!
- The Developing Cultural Competence certificate program is a co-curricular opportunity for NC State students to connect with students enrolled in our partner institutions around the globe. During the Fall 2024 semester, a cohort of NC State students who participate in daily intercultural exchange and global learning were sponsored to participate in an effort to deepen their cultural understanding: residents and student leaders in the Global Living and Learning Village community. Global Village is a housing initiative at NC State that facilitates experiential cultural learning. Learn more.
From the Global One Health Academy:
- To accelerate graduate student research in One Health at NC State, the NC State Global One Health Academy is pleased to announce its call for applications for the 2025-2026 cohort of Global One Health Fellows. Global One Health Fellows will receive one year of support, including a $34,000 stipend, insurance coverage and tuition remission. They will join an interdisciplinary cohort of graduate students interested in global dimensions of health across humans, animals, plants and the environment.
- The Global One Health Academy is proud to announce a new funding opportunity to support NC State students, postdocs, faculty, and staff in their One Health-relevant local engagement projects. Award amounts are available between $2,500 and $10,000, with three funding types/levels depending on the scope and goals of the project. All proposals must take a One Health approach and be centered on local engagement efforts in North Carolina. All awarded funds must be spent by June 30,. Please submit your applications by Sunday, Jan. 26.
- To accelerate postdoctoral research in One Health at NC State, the NC State Global One Health Academy is pleased to announce a new funding program for Postdoctoral Support Awards. Award amounts are available up to $5,000 to support research or training expenses that will ultimately advance interdisciplinary One Health research or implementation by postdoctoral scholars at NC State. All awarded funds must be spent by June 30. Please submit your application by Sunday, Jan. 26.
- The Global One Health Academy is proud to announce its 2025-2030 Strategic Plan. Through a collaborative and inclusive process with faculty and administrators from across all colleges and additional campus units at NC State, this strategic plan was developed as a guiding document for the next five years of the Global One Health Academy. Identified strategic goals are centered around interdisciplinary research, undergraduate education, graduate education, engagement, and fostering the One Health community at NC State.
From the Office of Information Technology:
- Connect with fellow IT professionals at the annual IT Community Event on Thursday, Feb. 13 at 1 p.m. Ara Anjargolian of Google Gemini Education will be the keynote speaker. In addition to networking, this in-person (only), half-day event in Talley Student Union is an opportunity to showcase your best work and learn how the latest IT innovations are transforming campus.
- Federal grants can now be used to purchase Research Storage. This data storage solution is available to all faculty and for all active projects in the Research Enterprise Data system.
- OIT will perform extended IT quarterly maintenance from 6 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 1 to 6 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 2. Many major IT and network services will be degraded or unavailable during this time.
- The deadline to complete the required Data Security Training is Friday, Jan. 31. All employees must complete this annual training. Learn to identify and prevent cyberattacks that can compromise our community’s devices and data.
- Boost your digital accessibility skills. As NC State prepares to meet the new federal digital accessibility requirements, it’s a great time to learn about your role in creating, purchasing and managing digital assets that meet accessibility standards.
From the Institute for Emerging Issues:
- IEI’s The Connector podcast returns for season two. To kick off the season and preview the 2025 Emerging Issues Forum, IEI Policy and Program Manager Tarik Woods is joined by North Carolina State Demographer Dr. Michael “Mike” Cline and Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina Research Director Alyssa Brown Moseley to discuss our growing population, what’s drawing new businesses to North Carolina and how the state is responding to its energy landscape to meet these evolving demands.
- The agenda for the 2025 Emerging Issues Forum is now available. The Institute for Emerging Issues is thrilled to announce that Duke Energy President Harry Sideris and IBM Global Leader for Responsible AI Phaedra Boinodiris will be among the speakers at the 2025 Emerging Issues Forum: Future Forward Energy, taking place on Feb. 19, at the McKimmon Center.
From Institutional Strategy and Analysis:
- Upcoming webinar through Network for Change and Continuous Improvement (NCCI). NC State is now an institutional member of NCCI. NCCI’s monthly Power60 webinars are one-hour discussions on topics related to advancing change, innovation and continuous improvement in higher education. NC State faculty and staff can join Power60 webinars at no cost, although registration is required. Individuals must create a NCCI profile to register. The next Power60 webinar on Feb. 20 is about Change Management vs. Project Management Triangles. Questions? NC State’s primary contact is Courtney Thornton, Associate Vice Provost for Strategy, Implementation and Communication, at chthornt@ncsu.edu.
From the Office of Research and Innovation:
- Pradip Pramanik has been promoted to assistant vice chancellor for proposal development. Pramanik has worked at NC State for 20 years and brings almost four decades of experience in project management and proposal development to his new role. Pramanik joined the university as a proposal developer in 2004, working his way up to director of the Proposal Development Unit , a position he held from 2014-2021. Pramanik was promoted to executive director in September 2021.
- Researchers at NC State are taking ultrasound’s potential to the next level in medical applications. One study has found that measuring ultrasonic vibrations can provide accurate diagnoses of lung disease. In another, a device that creates a pulse of sonic waves in an intravenous catheter can create enough shear force to gently unblock dangerous blood clots in the venous sinuses, a part of the brain’s blood drainage system connected to the heart. In a third study, ultrasonic waves help better organize cells in 3D-printed tissues to mimic the function and biological structure of organic tissues. Learn more.
- Kevin Schroeder has been promoted to director of sponsored programs, effective Dec. 16. Schroeder had been serving as interim director since April 2024. Schroeder joined NC State in 2020 as a contract negotiator and, over the next three years, worked his way up to assistant director of contract negotiations and subawards. Prior to joining NC State, Schroeder spent seven years as an attorney in both the private and public sectors. He earned his JD and bachelor’s degree from UNC-Chapel Hill.
From the Office of University Interdisciplinary Programs:
- The Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology & Science (KIETS) is excited to share the 2025 Cohort of their Climate Leaders Program (CLP). The 2025 Cohort consists of 14 student/faculty mentor teams who are approaching climate change in innovative ways to improve urban growth, renewable energy/energy waste, sustainable business practices, agri-food systems, air pollution, carbon capture/sequestration, animal conservation, fisheries and marine food webs, disaster recovery, community engagement, climate history and education, public policy, and environmental justice and equity. The teams will work with their internship partners to develop solutions that mitigate and adapt to the challenges of climate change. Learn more at https://climateleaders.kenan.ncsu.edu/teams/2025-student-mentor-teams/.