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December 2022 Announcements

  • Since 2005, NC State’s Holiday Energy Savings Initiative (HESI) has safely lowered building temperatures and utility costs in unoccupied campus buildings during the winter holiday period when the university is closed for about 10 consecutive days. To date, the program has saved the taxpayers of North Carolina more than $5 million. Read more about this year’s schedule and helpful energy saving tips. Read more about the program’s success in 2022 or browse the results report.
  • The second NC State Equity Research Symposium is now accepting proposals that address how equity in research or research on equity inform and improve various aspects of research. This year the symposium seeks to address how equity informs research and highlight research that is being conducted on equity. The symposium is also interested in interdisciplinary equity-focused questions in need of sustained future research in all disciplines. The keynote address will be delivered by Dr. Shaun Harper, who is an expert on racial equity and conducts research that examines race, gender, and other aspects of equity in different organizational contexts including higher education. Proposals are due January 20, 2023, and the symposium will be held March 8 2023.
  • Update on ERA Proposal Tracking and Post-Award Management modules: The Enterprise Research Administration (ERA) project team has been testing the next modules set to debut in the Research Enterprise Data (RED) system. The Proposal Tracking and Post-Award Management modules — which will work in tandem and replace the functionality of RADAR — are expected to launch during the spring semester. Learn more on the ERA website.
  • The College of Natural Resources’ Justin Whitehill and the Christmas Tree Genetics Program was featured recently on NBC Nightly News. They, along with the NC Department of Agriculture and industry partners, provided an excellent overview of the important work they do to a national audience. View the segment here.

Search Updates:

  • Searches for deans of the Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Engineering, and Sciences are underway. Each position has been posted in various higher education and disciplinary publications, and each committee will meet in early January to further discuss recruitment to ensure a robust applicant pool. It is highly encouraged that the job prospectus for each position is shared and that recommendations of potential candidates are made to the respective committees.
  • Three finalists for the director of the Institute for Emerging Issues have been interviewed recently, with an announcement of a new director coming soon.

From the Division of Academic and Student Affairs:

  • During Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15), the Juntos 4-H Program celebrated its quinceañera. This celebration was a tribute to the last 15 years of impact and growth for the program, and was an important milestone for the Hispanic/Latinx/a/o community. It symbolizes the coming of age for a young person as they enter a new role in society.

For Juntos, this is a new and promising stage of development for new opportunities. During the last month, Juntos students, parents, alumni and partners celebrated this milestone and shared their thoughts and vision for Juntos as it moves to its next 15 years of programming. This celebration fittingly took place during Hispanic Heritage Month, which celebrates the history, culture and contributions of the Hispanic/Latinx/a/o community.

From the Data Science Academy:

  • The Data Science Academy empowers people to use data to understand the world. Artist-in-Residence Killian E. Manning interviewed faculty and staff across the university to build a soundscape for dances that communicates data science is for everyone. Data Perspectives in Motion is broken into 15 vignettes for viewers to choose their own experience in viewing the connections between data science and NC State.
  • The NC State University Data Science Academy (DSA) is hiring a cohort of four postdoctoral fellows for the NC State Data Science Education Postdoctoral Fellowship, two-year appointments funded by the National Science Foundation. We are seeking a cohort with varied backgrounds, professional experience and research interests to engage in data science education research focused on the ADAPT Teaching model. Webinars will be hosted to answer any questions about the postdoctoral fellowship prior to the application opening in January 2023.


  • DELTA Testing Services Reminder: The Spring 2023 request for in-person testing at DELTA Testing Services opened December 5. Visit to read more.
  • Moodle Boot Camp kicks off January 4, 2023 at 9 a.m. with a series of workshops focused on all things Moodle. Whether you are a new Moodle user or a seasoned one looking for best practices, you will find what you need during the Boot Camp!
  • Learn More About the New IntelliBoard Tool: A new analytics tool is now available for instructors in Moodle. IntelliBoard — a data visualization tool that displays reports of student Moodle data — provides additional insight into your Moodle course, including how your students are progressing.
  • Panopto Classroom Capture User Portal Available: The Classroom Capture with Panopto user portal is now available for spring 2023 courses. Instructors can opt out, opt back in, and request webcast for courses scheduled within a recording-enabled room. Access to make changes for your spring courses today. A link to your spring 2023 course folder will be emailed after Dec. 14, 2022. NOTE: This message does not apply to Engineering Online courses.
  • The DELTA LearnTech Help Desk closes Friday, December 23 at 5 p.m. and reopens Tuesday, January 3 at 8 a.m. Contact for assistance.

From the Office for Faculty Excellence:

  • The Office for Faculty Excellence, DELTA and the NC State University Libraries invite faculty, postdoctoral scholars and professional staff from all six member institutions of the Cooperating Raleigh Colleges to submit session and poster proposals for the 2023 NC State Conference on Faculty Excellence, which will be held March 9, 2023.

From the Office of Information Technology:

  • OIT will move network file shares to a new data center location on Monday, Jan. 2, which is a university-observed holiday.  As a result, all OIT-provided department file shares, user home drives and many other campus IT services will be unavailable from 5 a.m. to 2 p.m. on January 2, 2023.  For more details, see the news post.

From the Institute for Emerging Issues:

  • Federal and state officials gathered at IEI to announce investment in high-speed internet. On November 21, IEI welcomed Congressman David Price and leadership from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and the N.C. Department of Information Technology to the James B Hunt Jr. Library to announce $6.4 million in federal funding for broadband expansion and digital inclusion efforts in North Carolina from the Internet for All Initiative. 
  • Registration is now open for the 2023 Emerging Issues Forum, Talent First Economics. The forum will take place on February 13, 2023, at NC State’s McKimmon Center. For North Carolina to stay competitive in an increasingly global, mobile and diverse economy, we need more workers, of all backgrounds and skill sets, to get hired and thrive in the workplace. Talent First Economics examines ways to put the needs of workers first and overcome barriers that have historically and systemically prevented people from finding employment and staying engaged in the workplace. Learn more and register today.

From the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity:

  • The Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity invites the community to share in the celebration at the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Campus Commemoration. Our theme this year is “Renaissance: An awakening of radical love, community appreciation, and ancestral gratitude”. 

This year, we honor King’s legacy through a cultural arts lens with an awakening of radical love, a re-building of community, and centering ancestral gratitude. Join us for the keynote address by Pierce Freelon on Wednesday, January 18, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. in the Piedmont Mountains Ballroom in Talley Student Union. 

  • The 2023 Sisterhood Dinner, sponsored by the Council on the Status of Women and the Women’s Center, will be held Monday, February 27th in the Talley Student Union, State Ballroom. A reception and silent auction will begin at 5:15 p.m., with the dinner program to follow at 6 p.m. The Sisterhood Dinner is an annual university-wide event open to all members of the campus community.  This event celebrates the contributions and accomplishments of gender equity at NC State. This year’s theme is “Re-envisioning an Equitable Workplace.” Event registration information can be found on the Council for the Status of Women website: Table registration is $400 for 8 seats. Individual registration is $50 per seat. Registration deadline is Friday, January 27th unless tables are sold out prior to that date.

From the Office of University Interdisciplinary Programs:

  • The Office of University Interdisciplinary Programs and the Integrative Sciences Initiative are holding a one-day symposium on Friday, January 20, focused on biomimicry, which seeks inspiration and innovation from nature to tackle challenges and solve problems. Learn more and register today.