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November 2022 Announcements

  • Work for NC State? Check out @WolfpackAtWork on Twitter for news, resources and more. Tweets are by University Communications and University Human Resources.

Administrator Search Updates:

  • Open searches for deans of the Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Engineering, and Sciences are now underway.
    • CALS dean search: CALS associate dean and director of the N.C. Agricultural Research Service Steve Lommel is chairing the nomination committee. The nomination committee held its first meeting on Nov. 11 and will continue to work during the fall and spring semesters. Stay up to date on the search by visiting the search page on the Provost’s Office website or
    • COE dean search: Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology and Science Director Ruben Carbonell is chairing the nomination committee. The nomination committee will hold its first meeting on Nov. 18 and will continue to work during the fall and spring semesters. Stay up to date on the search by visiting the search page on the Provost’s Office website or
    • COS dean search: College of Veterinary Medicine Dean Kathryn Meurs is chairing the nomination committee. The nomination committee will hold its first meeting on Nov. 17  and will continue to work during the fall and spring semesters. Stay up to date on the search by visiting the search page on the Provost’s Office website or
  • In-person finalist interviews for the director of the Institute for Emerging Issues will take place during the weeks of December 5 and 12. Finalists for the position will be announced soon. Search updates can be found here or at

From the Data Science Academy:

  • The Data Science Academy believes that Data Science is for Everyone! Our courses are designed for all learners from all disciplines and levels. The Data Science Academy uses the ADAPT: All-campus Data science through Accessible Project-based Teaching and learning model. Our courses range from Intro to R/Python and Data in Motion, to Data Wrangling, Web Scraping and Machine Learning. Take a look at our Spring 2023 course schedule! Note: DSC 295 courses do not have any prerequisites, but DSC 495 courses do require some prior knowledge. 


  • DELTA Express Grants are back to assist you with creating innovative and collaborative strategies to improve your course design. DELTA Express Grants provide support, key services and financial resources to increase student success through faculty partnerships and research-based best practices. We are excited to offer two grant types this spring — Course Essentials and Instructional Tools. Learn more.
  • The Teaching Resources site is a robust repository created by DELTA instructional designers and instructional technologists. This site, developed during the pandemic for those who needed quick support for teaching online, continues to house articles about teaching with technology, and specifically how NC State faculty can utilize enterprise technologies in a pedagogically sound way.
  • Lecturer Inma Navarro, with the NC State Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, wanted to provide a tool to ensure her students’ success. Receiving a DELTA Grant for the 2021-2022 grant cycle, Navarro worked as the principal investigator (PI) with a team of co-PIs and DELTA staff to develop a better way for students to hear native speakers from different regions. Learn more.
  • Would you like to be more satisfied with your course or add proficiencies as an instructor? Whether you have little time or a lot, if your course is already operating at a high-level or you’re in the process of (re)building it, or if you are just looking for transferable professional development opportunities, DELTA has resources and expertise that will help you.

From the Division of Academic and Student Affairs:

  • Vice Chancellor and Dean Doneka Scott has convened and charged a Student Mental Health Task Force. The 22-member task force includes student, faculty and staff representation. The task force’s goal is to make short- and long-term curricular and co-curricular recommendations to help improve student mental health at NC State. An important part of this process is hearing the campus community’s ideas and feedback, which is being collected via an online form through Friday, Dec. 16. A report will be delivered to Vice Chancellor and Dean Scott by January 30, 2023. Recommendations will begin to be implemented in the spring 2023 semester. 
  • The Counseling Center has developed a Faculty Toolkit for supporting student mental health, based on work from the University of Michigan, to provide faculty and other instructors with additional resources, creative ideas, and best practices for supporting student mental health on campus.

From the Office of Global Engagement:

  • For International Education Month, we are hosting a passport fair on November 17. The fair will be in Talley Student Union Student Involvement Suite from 10-12 and 1-4, and anyone is welcome.

From the Graduate School:

  • Demystification is a bi-weekly podcast produced by the Graduate School that looks to pull back the curtain on graduate education at NC State and beyond. Check out a recent episode where Dean Peter Harries chats with Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Warwick Arden about his time in graduate school and resources that helped him out along the way.

From the Institute for Emerging Issues:

  • The Institute for Emerging Issues has received a $250,000 grant from the John M. Belk Endowment to support the Building a New Digital Economy in NC (BAND-NC) program, which works with communities across the state to bridge North Carolina’s digital divide. The goal of BAND-NC is to equip counties to build more digitally equitable communities and make North Carolina the first state in the nation where every county has a digital inclusion plan in place. This grant will allow the BAND-NC program to continue this important work. Should IEI raise another $250,000 by August 2023, the John M. Belk Endowment will match those funds, increasing total BAND-NC programmatic support to $750,000. 
  • Registration is now open for the 2023 Emerging Issues Forum, Talent First Economics. The forum will take place on February 13, 2023, at NC State’s McKimmon Center. For North Carolina to stay competitive in an increasingly global, mobile and diverse economy, we need more workers, of all backgrounds and skill sets, to get hired and thrive in the workplace. Talent First Economics examines ways to put the needs of workers first and overcome barriers that have historically and systemically prevented people from finding employment and staying engaged in the workplace. Learn more and register today.

From Institutional Strategy and Analysis:

  • Results from the Spring 2021 COACHE Faculty Satisfaction Survey  are now available on the ISA website. The national survey, which NC State participates in every three years, is part of the The Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE), operating from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The survey assesses tenure track and professional track faculty satisfaction with: the nature of their work as related to teaching, research, and service;  interdisciplinary work, collaboration, and mentoring; their department and colleagues; senior leadership and governance; tenure, promotion, and reappointment; and benefits and personal and family policies. Reports on results include those for NC State faculty overall, as well as breakouts for different faculty groups, trends and benchmark comparisons to a select group of other institutions participating in COACHE. For more information, contact ISA at
  • Results from the Spring 2022 Employee Engagement Survey (EES) are now available on the ISA website. The EES is a biennial survey in which all full-time employees in the UNC system are invited to participate, with the goal of collecting data to support the development of excellent and diverse institutions. The survey covers topics such as diversity, equity, inclusion, and belongingness; communication and collaboration; job satisfaction and support; performance management; supervisor effectiveness; confidence in senior leadership; and the university’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Reports on results include those for NC State employees overall, as well as breakouts for different employee groups, trends, and benchmark comparisons to the UNC system overall. For more information, contact ISA at