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2021-2030 Strategic Plan Draft Now Available

brick walkway

The final draft of NC State’s 2021-2030 Strategic Plan is now available. 

The Strategic Planning Executive Steering Committee held 29 listening sessions in January and February with faculty, staff and students as well as a  few external audiences. Throughout the month of March the steering committee worked to incorporate feedback from the community to create the final draft of the strategic plan. 

Based on these sessions, the language for goals 3, 5 and 6 was revised. In the longer narratives, the committee wove the values throughout each goal, emphasized excellence in teaching, and made sure staff were highlighted along with faculty and students.

This draft will be presented to the NC State Board of Trustees for endorsement at their April meeting. The week after the BOT meeting, there will be further communications officially announcing the new strategic plan and accompanying website.

In late spring/early summer, Margery Overton, Senior Vice Provost for Institutional Strategy and Analysis, will begin planning for implementation strategies and a metrics dashboard with university leaders. 

If you have questions regarding the strategic plan, please email them to