From VC Vouk and Provost Arden: Research Continuity in Response to COVID-19
TO: All faculty conducting research/scholarship projects
FROM: Mladen Vouk, Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation, and Warwick Arden, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
SUBJECT: Research continuity in response to COVID-19
DATE: March 18, 2020
The ongoing spread of COVID-19 across the globe poses unprecedented challenges to the NC State community and its research and scholarship activities. NC State remains open with minimal on-campus operations. See more information at the university’s Coronavirus Response website.
Reduction in Research and Scholarship Activities
In coordination with the university’s guidance, we are taking steps to significantly reduce research and scholarship activity on campus. We understand that certain identified critical research functions, facilities and laboratory operations are necessary for the long term viability of the research programs. However, these critical research activities are considered exceptions that must receive approval, and all other on-campus research activities need to cease immediately.
Most research labs and facilities need to be closed no later than March 20, 2020. The resources below can help with the process:
- Research Continuity website
- COVID-19 and Your Research: How to Develop a Contingency Plan
- Laboratory Emergency Planning and Closure Checklist
Much of the work of NC State’s research and scholarship enterprise can continue remotely. At this time we should focus on minimizing face-to-face activities and working virtually where possible.
Exception Process
Critical operations, including research and activities focused on COVID-19 intervention, can continue with minimal staff support and must be compliant with appropriate social distancing and decontamination practices.
When requesting critical operation exceptions, please provide: project title; brief description/justification;, contact person; email; and a contact phone number. This information needs to be provided to your department head, dean or associate dean of research, and via email. Final approval will be given by the university.
Research and Innovation support units will continue to provide crucial services. If you have any inquiries, feel free to contact our staff via email.
Sponsored Programs is closely monitoring federal funding partners’ guidance during the ongoing situation. While some research sponsors are being flexible with deadlines, agencies are relying on electronic submission, and proposals will be time-stamped regardless of whether that agency is open and staffed. Please do not assume late proposals will be accepted based on sponsor operating status.
Thank you for your hard work and resilience during this difficult time.
Be safe and stay healthy.
Link to PDF version of memo.
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