Provost’s Memo To Deans And Academic Department Heads – 2019-2020
| Deans and Academic Department Heads |
| Warwick A. Arden Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost |
| Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT) Process, 2019-2020 |
| May 13, 2019 |
This memorandum provides notification of the Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure schedule and expectations for the 2019-2020 RPT cycle. Dossiers are to be submitted via NC State’s Online Tool for Submission of Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Dossiers per the following schedule.
Staggered Deadlines:
January 7, 2020 – Design, Education, Natural Resources, Poole-Management, Wilson-Textiles, Veterinary Medicine, Division of Academic and Student Affairs
January 14, 2020 – Humanities and Social Sciences, Sciences
January 21, 2020 – Agriculture and Life Sciences, Engineering
The process details and all related policies, regulations and rules are available on the RPT website. Please review the 2019-2020 Process and Schedule page on the website for an overview of the schedule along with a few reminders.
Each college has received an electronic summary of all the mandatory cases by department. Corrections and any anticipated non-mandatory cases should be added to the summary and returned to Amy Jinnette by August 2, 2019. Additional non-mandatory cases can be added after August 2, as long as the dossiers are complete and uploaded to the website by the college’s deadline.
Finally, as a reminder, all faculty going through the 2019-2020 RPT process, regardless of track or rank, must have a Statement of Faculty Responsibilities (SFR) in their dossier. Please work with all faculty undergoing review to get their SFRs developed and finalized. (See video and fact sheet on SME to SFR Transition.) Also, please take a few minutes to review these videos and FAQs as you begin this year’s process.
Thank you for helping us maintain a reappointment, promotion and tenure process that is supportive of faculty excellence.
W. Randolph Woodson, Chancellor
Mladen Vouk, Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation
Katharine Stewart, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Marguerite Moore, Chair-Elect, University Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee
Hans Kellner, Chair of the Faculty
College RPT Liaisons