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Distinguished Professorships that Periodically Rotate Among Colleges

Two distinguished professorships at NC State University, per their respective establishing agreements in 1987, are to be rotated periodically.

  • Joseph D. Moore Distinguished Professorship – “…selected for a period of three to five years from any of the University’s nine schools. The selection will be based on specific enhancement opportunities within a particular school. A rotation of appointments will give the university flexibility across all programs to respond competitively in the recruitment and retention of the most talented teaching and research scholars who can significantly enhance programs in particular schools at the most opportune time.”
  • William C. Friday Distinguished Professorship – “…shall be rotated periodically among the nine Colleges which comprise NCSU. …A rotation of appointments will give the University the flexibility, across all programs, to respond competitively in the recruitment of the most talented teaching and research scholars who can significantly enhance programs in a particular College at the most opportune time and give special emphasis to the liberal education components of a comprehensive education.”

Process When Either Professorship is Vacated

In the event that one of the distinguished professorships listed above is vacated, the following process will occur:

  1. The Chancellor and Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost (hereafter “Provost”) can, at their discretion, decide to
    a. Invite one, some, or all colleges to submit proposals, and
    b. Set format and/or content requirements for such proposals, or
    c. Select a college to receive the vacant professorship without a proposal process.
  2. In determining the next college to which a vacant professorship listed above will rotate, the Chancellor and the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost will consider
    a. Donor intent for the professorship,
    b. Prior rotation history of the professorship,
    c. Strategic opportunities in recruitment and retention, and
    d. Quality of proposal submissions (if utilized).
  3. Upon reaching a decision, the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost will communicate to all Deans which college is selected for the next rotation.

Related NC State Policies, Rules and Regulations

REG 05.20.17 Professorships of Distinction