Recognized Entity Criteria for Residency for UG Full Scholarships
Responsibilities of the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid to assure NC State’s compliance.
Monitor scholarship awards to students from recognized entities to determine which students qualify for the in-state tuition rate.
Set appropriate residency code in the Registration and Records database to assure qualifying students are charged the correct tuition and tracked as recipients of this benefit for reporting purposes.
Verify students’ continued eligibility for this benefit in subsequent years.
Assure that individual students qualifying for this benefit do not receive more institutional scholarship and grant support than their total estimated costs to attend NC State.
Provide the Chancellor with an annual report regarding the demographics and academic progress of recipients of this benefit to share with the Board of Trustees.
Criteria to qualify as a recognized entity.
Scholarship funds must be administered by NC State or an affiliate, e.g., Park Foundation, college or university foundations.
Recipients must be chosen by NC State or an affiliate through the normal procedures used to award financial aid.
Funds must come from a single source if administered by an entity outside an NC State college (e.g., funds cannot be combined from separate recognized entities except for the Provost’s Academic Award).
Funds may come from multi-sources if all funds are awarded from within an NC State college or its affiliate (e.g., funds can be combined from several College of Agriculture and Life Sciences foundations).
Provost’s Academic Award may be included with college-based funding to qualify students for this benefit.
No federal or state funding may be counted in qualifying students for this benefit.
The Chancellor may issue exceptions to these criteria at his/her discretion.
Recognized Entities (updated 4-8-11)
Park Foundation (Park Scholarships)
Provost Academic Award, in conjunction with University Endowed Scholarship funding
University Scholarships held in:
NCSU Foundation, Inc.
Endowment Fund of NCSU
NC Agricultural Foundation, Inc.
NC Dairy Foundation, Inc.
NC Tobacco Foundation, Inc.
NCSU Engineering Foundation
NC Forestry Foundation
Pulp & Paper Foundation, Inc.
NCSU Physical & Mathematical Sciences Foundation, Inc.
NC Textile Foundation
NC Veterinary Medical Foundation, Inc.
NCSU Alumni Association, Inc.
Responsibilities of approved entities.
Assure that it has adequate funding available to cover all full scholarships for the current year.
Assure that it has the financial resources to provide all full scholarships if the authorizing statute is abolished and, thus, the full cost of out-of-state scholarships must be paid by the entity.
Assure that in the event that new state funding is not appropriated to replace the lost non-resident tuition receipts, the resulting budget shortfall will be accommodated through either additional receipts from the affiliated entities or resource reallocations coordinated through the Provost.